Luxerama's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,16433,893kramdown-hamlHAML filter for Kramdown
219,58261,367emsEditorial Management system used within group projects
474,49061,367travis-gemcacheRake tasks to cache the ./gems directory
576,76661,367plinthPlinth - basic framework
681,42861,367tbg_api_consumerAPI module to make the consumtion of standardised API responses easier
792,53861,367deploy-recipesCollection of capistrano deploy recipes
8107,33261,367robin-sidekickSidekick image used for service discovery
9119,40961,367bean-kramdownbean-kramdown is yet-another-markdown-parser but fast, pure Ruby, using a strict syntax...
10124,02461,367capistrano-tbgTBG deploy gem
11128,68161,367beancounterThe Beancounter helps us to report our events
12129,01161,367geohashinatorGem for easy adding of geohash functionality
13135,69561,367trloTrello comman line tool
14136,36841,086mongoid-solrSolr integration for mongoid
15136,70341,086mongoid-timelineTracking Mongoid documents
16141,53461,367tbg_socialIt finds, caches and updates social engagement of urls on social media (facebook, twitter)
17145,04161,367scrotumBase styles
18150,86561,367social_surveyUse this gem if you want to conduct surveys with the help of hashtags
19155,11841,086omniauth-studentbeansStudent Beans OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth