Kurtisnelson's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
130,44141,916bouncer-clientEnables using the Bouncer microservice for authentication. Includes test helpers, authe...
246,29741,916lockitronCommunicate with a Lockitron
348,49513,614railsworksConsole and deploy task for OpsWorks
451,76363,432menu-cliManages a list of releases of software versions stored on S3
553,75318,158resumator-clientUse the RESTful API found at resumatorapi.com
674,95163,432cloudsheetPull google drive spreadsheets with your column names and datatypes
794,40163,432EventbriteClientAccess the Eventbrite API
899,75341,916grocer-pushpackagerBuilds push packages for OS X Mavericks web notifications
9137,60163,432glassmirrorUse the Google Glass Mirror API from Ruby
10142,71263,432omniauth-lockitronOmniauth lockitron strategy
11154,21463,432laundryviewScrape laundry room status from MacGray's LaundryView.com