Clayallsopp's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,51753,556bubble-wrapRubyMotion wrappers and helpers (Ruby for iOS and OS X) - Making Cocoa APIs more Ruby l...
213,23886,038afmotionA RubyMotion Wrapper for AFNetworking
313,82312,813hockeyappThis simple wrapper enables you to acces the hockeyapp REST API through simple ruby cal...
419,17686,038motion-requireDependency management for RubyMotion, using a pseudo `require`
519,30253,556formotionMaking iOS Forms insanely great with RubyMotion
625,13286,038geomotionA RubyMotion Geometry Wrapper
734,08386,038readme-scoreGives a score for
842,93786,038bubble-wrap-httpBubbleWrap's deprecated HTTP library
948,17086,038motion-screenshotsTake screenshots with RubyMotion
1050,50786,038routableA RubyMotion UIViewController -> URL router
1154,67186,038motion-hockeyrinkmotion-hockeyrink allows RubyMotion projects to easily embed the HockeyApp SDK and be s...
1261,05586,038motion-envAdd things to ENV in RubyMotion
1381,53686,038remote_modelJSON API <-> NSObject via RubyMotion. Create REST-aware models.
1488,27386,038waltFast, frictionless iOS animations
1589,79686,038afmotion-rocketAFMotion extensions for Rocket
1697,66286,038appleloadA CLI & Ruby Library to control Apple's Application Loader app
1798,68786,038applebotA robot for Apple Developer Center and iTunes Connect tasks
18101,62186,038twittermotionA RubyMotion Twitter Wrapper
19104,07353,556motion-smarticonsmotion-smarticons lets you overlay informational text like commit hash and version numb...
20108,72786,038motion-screenspecsTest your RubyMotion apps using screenshot comparison.
21116,57086,038motion-colorizemotion-colorize adds the `colorize` gem to your RubyMotion project
22122,33086,038motion-weakattrweak_attr for WeakRefs in RubyMotion
23123,17653,556hockeyapp-configSmall HockeyApp configuration used by Propeller
24131,51886,038applesliceEasily parse Apple & iTunes Connect emails
25133,73586,038droidprojManage Android projects with a Droidfile