Y-ken's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1694544fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filterFluentd Output filter plugin. It has designed to rewrite tag like mod_rewrite. Re-emmit...
23,1287,164fluent-mixin-rewrite-tag-nameFluentd mixin plugin to provides placeholder function for rewriting tag for your any pl...
33,3584,265fluent-plugin-geoipFluentd Filter plugin to add information about geographical location of IP addresses wi...
43,7639,279fluent-plugin-anonymizerFluentd filter output plugin to anonymize records with HMAC of MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA384/S...
516,23538,318fluent-plugin-sentryFluentd output plugin that sends aggregated errors/exception events to Sentry. Sentry i...
621,06214,795fluent-plugin-mysql-replicatorFluentd input plugin to track insert/update/delete event from MySQL database server. No...
724,06118,756fluent-plugin-twitterFluentd Input/Output plugin to collect/process tweets with Twitter Streaming API.
829,268110,038twilio-twimlbinTwimlbin wrapper class. You can use twimlbin.com to host twilio markup language without...
936,86135,638fluent-plugin-muninFluentd Input plugin to fetch munin-node metrics data with custom intervals. It support...
1040,92332,305fluent-plugin-mysql-queryFluentd Input plugin to execute mysql query and fetch rows. It is useful for stationary...
1145,53235,638fluent-plugin-gamobileFluentd Output plugin to send access report with "Google Analytics for mobile".
1253,32039,659fluent-plugin-watch-processFluentd Input plugin to collect continual process information via ps command or PowerSh...
1356,51434,389fluent-mixin-type-converterFluentd mixin plugin to provides type conversion function as like as in_tail plugin. It...
1464,94645,181fluent-plugin-twilioFluentd Output plugin to make a phone call with Twilio VoIP API. Twiml supports text-to...
1568,49511,768fluent-plugin-pagerdutyFluentd Input plugin to replay alert notification for PagerDuty API.
1675,51063,356fluent-plugin-boundioFluentd Output plugin to make a call with boundio by KDDI. This Multilingual speech syn...
1785,87563,356fluent-plugin-feedlyFluentd input plugin to fetch RSS/ATOM feed via feedly Cloud API.
1887,12959,676fluent-parser-elasticsearchFluentd Parser Plugin to add choice for `format` option for elasticsearch logs with in_...
19104,07997,459elasticsearch_mysql_importerbulk import file generator as well as nested document from MySQL for elasticsearch bulk...