Kballenegger's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
114,02510,411rack-json-logsRack::JsonLogs is a gem that helps log sanely in production.
231,09874,510kenjiA lightweight Ruby web framework.
336,08474,510validateValidations is a library for validating data structures.
453,08474,510kongoKongo is a lightweight and generic library for accessing data from Mongo.
589,21574,510at-validationsAwesome validation and object matching library
693,00274,510validate-address-smartystreetsVerify addresses using SmartyStreets
7120,35474,510at-letA ruby version of the functional let statment. (From LISP)
8134,80974,510ruby-hueControl Philips Hue
9136,02974,510block2methodEasily convert a block to an unbound method.
10139,79074,510konfigurationKonfiguration makes it easy to load YAML-formatted configuration files.
11148,17674,510vagrant-docker-envDon't use this, or read the README.
12148,47474,510sequel-loggerThis gem makes it dead easy to debug Sequel by logging its SQL queries.