Skylord73's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
121,569138,048acts_as_monitorMonitor model via private methods warn_*? and error_*?
233,541138,048acts_as_xlsExtend Rails capabilities of importing and exporting excel files thanks to Spreadsheet gem
354,50449,578usefull_tableTable Helper with Excel export, inline editing and monitoring funxtions
482,86180,608usefull_extensionExtend Rails capabilities of importing and exporting excel, pdf and other extension
5105,087101,206usefull_filterWraps meta_search with usefull helpers
6120,286138,048acts_as_status_barRails StatusBar with ActiveRecord integration, permits dynamic custom output from your ...
7143,455138,048usefull_attachmentDescribe Gem Here