Brandur's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,4881,583json_schemaA JSON Schema V4 and Hyperschema V4 parser and validator.
21,7111,788heroicsA Ruby client generator for HTTP APIs described with a JSON schema
32,1722,903committeeA collection of Rack middleware to support JSON Schema.
44,3655,776prmdscaffold, verify and generate docs from JSON Schema
56,7205,604sinatra-routerA tiny vendorable router that makes it easy to try routes from a number of different mo...
68,6326,653http_acceptSimple library for HTTP Accept header parsing and ordering.
79,07441,086plinyPliny is a set of base classes and helpers to help developers write excellent APIs in S...
89,61961,367anvil-cliAlternate Heroku build workflow
923,99661,367rack-instrumentsRack middleware providing extremely basic instrumentation.
1032,48761,367artifice-exconA version of Wycat's Artifice for use with Excon.
1132,67761,367slidesAn extremely simplistic logs-as-events implementation.
1234,96061,367actionmailer-rack-upgradeMakes it trivial to test and deliver emails sent from a single service layer.
1339,90761,367actionpack-rack-upgradeEases web-request routing, handling, and response as a half-way front, half-way page co...
1440,67161,367casseoA Graphite dashboard for the command line.
1543,91061,367hutilsA collection of command line utilities for working with logfmt.
1652,91861,367actionpack-rack-upgrade-2Eases web-request routing, handling, and response as a half-way front, half-way page co...
1753,17261,367actionmailer-rack-upgrade-2Makes it trivial to test and deliver emails sent from a single service layer.
1869,33661,367scrolls-minimalAn extremely simplistic logs-as-data implementation.
1971,00761,367actionpack-2.3.17-rack-upgradeEases web-request routing, handling, and response as a half-way front, half-way page co...
2071,43461,367actionmailer-2.3.17-rack-upgradeMakes it trivial to test and deliver emails sent from a single service layer.
2175,93733,893rack-robotsRack middleware that denies all robots for staging and development environments.
2276,77061,367expriVersionable metrics recipes for exprd.
2396,53661,367heroku_api_stubService stub for the Heroku API. Will respond to all public endpoints of the Heroku AP...
24106,43961,367dpingMinimal Ruby script that updates an AWS Route53 record with the local host's outward fa...
25114,78961,367d2A cross-version compatible shortcut for invoking a Ruby debugger that will run properly...
26130,42861,367excon-slides_instrumentorExcon instrumentor providing instrumentation in Slides format.
27133,69761,367sequel-instrumentsBasic instrumentation for Sequel.
28164,33311,055riverqueueRiver is a fast job queue for Go. Use this gem in conjunction with gems riverqueue-acti...
29169,13810,892riverqueue-sequelSequel driver for the River Ruby gem. Use in conjunction with the riverqueue gem to ins...
30169,56810,892riverqueue-activerecordActiveRecord driver for the River Ruby gem. Use in conjunction with the riverqueue gem ...