Douwem's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,5071,936http_accept_languageFind out which locale the user preferes by reading the languages they specified in thei...
217,06930,732mengpaneelMengpaneel gives you a single way to interact with Mixpanel from your Rails controllers...
359,32257,505mongoid-orderingmongoid-ordering makes it easy to keep your Mongoid documents in order.
479,86757,505mongoid-siblingsmongoid-siblings adds methods to enable you to easily access your Mongoid document's si...
585,30557,505pebblewatchA Ruby library for communicating with your Pebble smartwatch.
690,82557,505karaokeA Ruby library for easily finding the lyrics to your favorite songs
7101,27222,984takeoffTakeoff is a command line tool that helps you deploy your web applications. Configure i...
8106,64322,984shoutoutA Ruby library for easily getting metadata from Shoutcast-compatible audio streaming se...
9108,81430,732lightpackA Ruby library for communicating with your Lightpack.
10136,86857,505beamer-remoteUse your iPhone to browse through media on your Mac and instantly stream movies and TV ...