1 | 1,507 | 1,936 | http_accept_language | Find out which locale the user preferes by reading the languages they specified in thei... |
2 | 17,069 | 30,732 | mengpaneel | Mengpaneel gives you a single way to interact with Mixpanel from your Rails controllers... |
3 | 59,322 | 57,505 | mongoid-ordering | mongoid-ordering makes it easy to keep your Mongoid documents in order. |
4 | 79,867 | 57,505 | mongoid-siblings | mongoid-siblings adds methods to enable you to easily access your Mongoid document's si... |
5 | 85,305 | 57,505 | pebblewatch | A Ruby library for communicating with your Pebble smartwatch. |
6 | 90,825 | 57,505 | karaoke | A Ruby library for easily finding the lyrics to your favorite songs |
7 | 101,272 | 22,984 | takeoff | Takeoff is a command line tool that helps you deploy your web applications. Configure i... |
8 | 106,643 | 22,984 | shoutout | A Ruby library for easily getting metadata from Shoutcast-compatible audio streaming se... |
9 | 108,814 | 30,732 | lightpack | A Ruby library for communicating with your Lightpack. |
10 | 136,868 | 57,505 | beamer-remote | Use your iPhone to browse through media on your Mac and instantly stream movies and TV ... |