Hugobenichi's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
159,83574,483rs232Allows to script access to the serial port on Windows. Simple read and write commands
260,80574,483rs232-sigmakokiAllows to script the control of SigmaKoki step motor controllers with simple command wi...
372,03537,086c_bufferA simple circular buffer and its Ruby interface to go along RbScope and RbVisa. Perfect...
482,31374,483redplotredplot gives convenience handler methods from and to Ruby objects to easily communicat...
5100,61174,483rb_scopeA Ruby layer wrapping around C calls to the NI-Scope drivers based on the ffi gem api
6105,24574,483rb_visaA Ruby layer wrapping around the Ni-VISA calls. Based on the ffi gem