1 | 21,454 | 63,432 | bait | Accepts github push event webhook to clone and execute .bait/test.sh |
2 | 46,351 | 41,916 | digitalfilmtree | Assorted libraries for DigitalFilm Tree post workflow |
3 | 46,643 | 63,432 | menuboy | Simple CLI-based menu building DSL |
4 | 52,643 | 63,432 | cucumber-blanket | Extract Blanket.js code coverage data from within a Ruby Cucumber environment |
5 | 71,354 | 63,432 | kango | Wraps the brilliant Kango Framework with ruby niceties |
6 | 84,114 | 63,432 | motion-specwrap | Exit value support wrapper for RubyMotion's 'rake spec' |
7 | 88,593 | 25,458 | polterheist | Poltergeist wrapper |
8 | 89,109 | 63,432 | apple_manifest_rails | Mountable Rails engine for iOS UDID capture and app (IPA) distribution. Uses the IPA's ... |
9 | 93,900 | 63,432 | bellow | Wrap Prowl and NotifyMyAndroid into a single basic API to notify lists of users |
10 | 97,278 | 63,432 | guardrc | Guardrc allows one to have custom Guardfile commands in a different file than the Guard... |
11 | 104,000 | 41,916 | selenium-chrome-mavericks | Monkeypatches selenium-webdriver 2.37.0 to pass --verbose to chromedriver so it works i... |
12 | 105,407 | 63,432 | harvest_wheelman | Logs into Harvest and generates a PDF report the way my company likes it |
13 | 131,810 | 30,305 | ducky-bot | An IRC bot inspired by DuckDuckGo, powered by Ruby & Cinch |
14 | 135,981 | 41,916 | digitalfilmtree-util | Contains common utilities and vendored binaries used in libraries related to DigitalFil... |
15 | 139,796 | 63,432 | overtimer | Calculates employee payroll info based on California laws (overtime, doubletime, etc) |