Keyvan's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
121,39286,038baitAccepts github push event webhook to clone and execute .bait/
246,23286,038digitalfilmtreeAssorted libraries for DigitalFilm Tree post workflow
346,53753,556menuboySimple CLI-based menu building DSL
452,53186,038cucumber-blanketExtract Blanket.js code coverage data from within a Ruby Cucumber environment
571,25531,663kangoWraps the brilliant Kango Framework with ruby niceties
684,02586,038motion-specwrapExit value support wrapper for RubyMotion's 'rake spec'
788,48986,038polterheistPoltergeist wrapper
888,96886,038apple_manifest_railsMountable Rails engine for iOS UDID capture and app (IPA) distribution. Uses the IPA's ...
993,79653,556bellowWrap Prowl and NotifyMyAndroid into a single basic API to notify lists of users
1097,10342,025guardrcGuardrc allows one to have custom Guardfile commands in a different file than the Guard...
11103,84786,038selenium-chrome-mavericksMonkeypatches selenium-webdriver 2.37.0 to pass --verbose to chromedriver so it works i...
12105,30242,025harvest_wheelmanLogs into Harvest and generates a PDF report the way my company likes it
13131,73786,038ducky-botAn IRC bot inspired by DuckDuckGo, powered by Ruby & Cinch
14135,87486,038digitalfilmtree-utilContains common utilities and vendored binaries used in libraries related to DigitalFil...
15139,64986,038overtimerCalculates employee payroll info based on California laws (overtime, doubletime, etc)