Ikm's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,7583,472aws_configAWSConfig is a parser for AWS_CONFIG_FILE used in aws-cli.
25,0526,588sbpaymentA client library for sbpayment (SB Payment Service) written in Ruby.
37,08012,967capistrano-pendingProvide deploy:pending task to Capistrano 3 to show commit logs between current revisio...
417,89663,432jbuilder-active_decoratorPrevent ActiveDecorator from decorating Jbuilder objects. If not, it generates unexpect...
559,19263,432capistrano-ec2_taggedGet ip addresses of AWS EC2 instances filtered by their tags.
668,85163,432ikm-chromedriver-helperEasy installation and use of chromedriver, the Chromium project's selenium webdriver ad...
771,26863,432ok_gntpdAn GNTPd which always return "OK".
877,39563,432capistrano-central_gitBuild release files on central server.
978,60863,432fix_tsv_conflictFix git conflicts in TSV file.
1086,66363,432bootstrap_form-datetimepickerbootstrap_form add-on to embed bootstrap-datetimepicker simply.
1187,52730,305ec2listShow running instances on AWS EC2.
1296,27163,432ikm-opengraphA very simple Ruby library for parsing Open Graph prototocol information from websites....
13103,08063,432single_xlsxrubyXL wrapper to treat single-sheet XLSX files like CSV.
14108,72163,432natsortProvides natural sorting methods to Enumerable.
15110,89663,432paknifeRun knife-solo in parallel
16112,41863,432carbideCarbide is a runtime framework like Rake.
17113,96830,305s3_signed_urlGenerate signed URLs to get S3 objects.
18122,66941,916capistrano-rubotyRuboty specific capistrano tasks
19146,85263,432json2ltsvConvert JSON to LTSV line by line.
20167,85363,432kamakuraValue Object
21168,67663,432capistrano-middleman2Run middleman build on each host.
22169,03141,916git_pr_release_parserParse git-pr-release output.
23169,74463,432pamyuRedirect stdout and stderr to files.
24170,61163,432iripperIRipper is a REPL to parse a Ruby script interactively.