1 | 1,568 | 3,991 | extlib | Support library for Merb |
2 | 3,053 | 8,388 | data_objects | Provide a standard and simplified API for communicating with RDBMS from Ruby |
3 | 3,084 | 7,378 | dm-core | DataMapper core library |
4 | 3,239 | 11,600 | dm-migrations | DataMapper plugin for writing and speccing migrations |
5 | 3,300 | 8,973 | dm-do-adapter | DataObjects Adapter for DataMapper |
6 | 3,660 | 11,910 | dm-validations | Library for performing validations on DM models and pure Ruby object |
7 | 3,714 | 13,046 | dm-serializer | DataMapper plugin for serializing Resources and Collections |
8 | 3,719 | 12,493 | dm-aggregates | DataMapper plugin providing support for aggregates on collections |
9 | 3,720 | 12,223 | dm-timestamps | DataMapper plugin for magical timestamps |
10 | 3,742 | 8,543 | do_sqlite3 | Implements the DataObjects API for Sqlite3 |
11 | 3,749 | 13,979 | dm-types | DataMapper plugin providing extra data types |
12 | 3,866 | 13,259 | dm-constraints | DataMapper plugin constraining relationships |
13 | 3,918 | 13,046 | dm-transactions | Makes transaction support available for adapters that support them |
14 | 4,236 | 15,327 | data_mapper | Faster, Better, Simpler. |
15 | 4,248 | 14,473 | dm-sqlite-adapter | Sqlite3 Adapter for DataMapper |
16 | 4,341 | 16,361 | do_postgres | Implements the DataObjects API for PostgreSQL |
17 | 4,817 | 17,852 | do_mysql | Implements the DataObjects API for MySQL |
18 | 5,115 | 17,444 | dm-postgres-adapter | PostgreSQL Adapter for DataMapper |
19 | 6,172 | 18,833 | dm-mysql-adapter | MySQL Adapter for DataMapper |
20 | 7,130 | 16,068 | datamapper | Faster, Better, Simpler. |
21 | 8,541 | 23,626 | dm-observer | DataMapper plugin for observing Resources |
22 | 9,347 | 53,556 | dm-active_model | A datamapper plugin for active_model compliance and thus rails 3 compatibility. |
23 | 9,506 | 28,793 | dm-ar-finders | DataMapper plugin providing ActiveRecord-style finders |
24 | 9,641 | 24,968 | do_oracle | Implements the DataObjects API for Oracle |
25 | 10,028 | 86,038 | dm-rails | Integrate DataMapper with Rails 3 |
26 | 10,601 | 8,102 | geoip2_compat | Lookup IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in Maxmind GeoIP2 database files |
27 | 11,260 | 28,793 | dm-is-tree | DataMapper plugin allowing the creation of tree structures from data models |
28 | 11,900 | 31,663 | dm-adjust | DataMapper plugin providing methods to increment and decrement properties |
29 | 12,549 | 31,663 | dm-sweatshop | DataMapper plugin for building pseudo random models |
30 | 13,654 | 35,920 | dm-cli | DataMapper plugin allowing interaction with models through a CLI |
31 | 14,368 | 35,920 | dm-tags | This package brings tagging to DataMapper. It is inspired by Acts As Taggable On by Mi... |
32 | 14,737 | 31,663 | do_jdbc | Provides JDBC support for usage in DO drivers for JRuby |
33 | 15,074 | 53,556 | dm-is-list | DataMapper plugin for creating and organizing lists |
34 | 15,209 | 53,556 | dm-is-state_machine | DataMapper plugin for creating state machines |
35 | 16,083 | 35,920 | dm-is-nested_set | DataMapper plugin allowing the creation of nested sets from data models |
36 | 16,445 | 53,556 | dm-rest-adapter | REST Adapter for DataMapper |
37 | 16,511 | 35,920 | dm-is-remixable | dm-is-remixable allow you to create reusable data functionality |
38 | 16,664 | 53,556 | dm-is-searchable | A DataMapper plugin for searching |
39 | 17,932 | 86,038 | dm-is-versioned | DataMapper plugin enabling simple versioning of models |
40 | 20,565 | 86,038 | dm-ferret-adapter | Ferret Adapter for DataMapper |
41 | 21,056 | 42,025 | do_derby | Implements the DataObjects API for Derby |
42 | 21,067 | 53,556 | do_hsqldb | Implements the DataObjects API for Hsqldb |
43 | 21,083 | 42,025 | do_h2 | Implements the DataObjects API for H2 |
44 | 21,561 | 53,556 | do_sqlserver | Implements the DataObjects API for Microsoft SQL Server |
45 | 24,406 | 31,663 | dm-yaml-adapter | YAML Adapter for DataMapper |
46 | 28,634 | 31,663 | dm-oracle-adapter | Oracle Adapter for DataMapper |
47 | 30,034 | 18,351 | dm-sqlserver-adapter | Microsoft SQL Server Adapter for DataMapper |
48 | 39,596 | 86,038 | do_openedge | Implements the DataObjects API for OpenEdge |
49 | 40,068 | 86,038 | rails_datamapper | Rails Plugin for DataMapper |
50 | 42,842 | 26,609 | jsonrpc | Very simple JSON RPC client implementation |
51 | 80,601 | 12,916 | planetscale_rails | A collection of rake tasks to make managing schema migrations with PlanetScale easy |
52 | 81,724 | 86,038 | planetscale | Ruby client for PlanetScale Databases |
53 | 93,562 | 86,038 | windmill | Basic Ruby Windmill client so it's easy to integrate with
for example Cucumber features. |
54 | 113,811 | 86,038 | do-jdbc_sqlserver | JDBC Driver for SQL Server (jTDS), packaged as a Gem |