Dbussink's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,5363,381extlibSupport library for Merb
23,0046,893data_objectsProvide a standard and simplified API for communicating with RDBMS from Ruby
33,0377,416dm-coreDataMapper core library
43,1838,396dm-migrationsDataMapper plugin for writing and speccing migrations
53,2418,562dm-do-adapterDataObjects Adapter for DataMapper
63,5938,620dm-validationsLibrary for performing validations on DM models and pure Ruby object
73,64810,581dm-serializerDataMapper plugin for serializing Resources and Collections
83,65210,035dm-aggregatesDataMapper plugin providing support for aggregates on collections
93,6558,500dm-timestampsDataMapper plugin for magical timestamps
103,6767,794do_sqlite3Implements the DataObjects API for Sqlite3
113,68010,581dm-typesDataMapper plugin providing extra data types
123,79010,972dm-constraintsDataMapper plugin constraining relationships
133,85510,354dm-transactionsMakes transaction support available for adapters that support them
144,1659,837data_mapperFaster, Better, Simpler.
154,1949,582dm-sqlite-adapterSqlite3 Adapter for DataMapper
164,27812,620do_postgresImplements the DataObjects API for PostgreSQL
174,75414,908do_mysqlImplements the DataObjects API for MySQL
185,02315,928dm-postgres-adapterPostgreSQL Adapter for DataMapper
196,08717,276dm-mysql-adapterMySQL Adapter for DataMapper
207,0268,310datamapperFaster, Better, Simpler.
218,42424,639dm-observerDataMapper plugin for observing Resources
229,21620,676dm-active_modelA datamapper plugin for active_model compliance and thus rails 3 compatibility.
239,37718,168dm-ar-findersDataMapper plugin providing ActiveRecord-style finders
249,51248,252do_oracleImplements the DataObjects API for Oracle
259,88220,676dm-railsIntegrate DataMapper with Rails 3
2610,58915,928geoip2_compatLookup IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in Maxmind GeoIP2 database files
2711,11748,252dm-is-treeDataMapper plugin allowing the creation of tree structures from data models
2811,75222,297dm-adjustDataMapper plugin providing methods to increment and decrement properties
2912,36416,541dm-sweatshopDataMapper plugin for building pseudo random models
3013,49622,297dm-cliDataMapper plugin allowing interaction with models through a CLI
3114,20537,438dm-tagsThis package brings tagging to DataMapper. It is inspired by Acts As Taggable On by Mi...
3214,55124,639do_jdbcProvides JDBC support for usage in DO drivers for JRuby
3314,89222,297dm-is-listDataMapper plugin for creating and organizing lists
3415,03748,252dm-is-state_machineDataMapper plugin for creating state machines
3515,91448,252dm-is-nested_setDataMapper plugin allowing the creation of nested sets from data models
3616,28537,438dm-rest-adapterREST Adapter for DataMapper
3716,35524,639dm-is-remixabledm-is-remixable allow you to create reusable data functionality
3816,49331,892dm-is-searchableA DataMapper plugin for searching
3917,76848,252dm-is-versionedDataMapper plugin enabling simple versioning of models
4020,35931,892dm-ferret-adapterFerret Adapter for DataMapper
4120,84227,476do_derbyImplements the DataObjects API for Derby
4220,85837,438do_hsqldbImplements the DataObjects API for Hsqldb
4320,87931,892do_h2Implements the DataObjects API for H2
4421,34831,892do_sqlserverImplements the DataObjects API for Microsoft SQL Server
4524,22548,252dm-yaml-adapterYAML Adapter for DataMapper
4628,43175,392dm-oracle-adapterOracle Adapter for DataMapper
4729,79348,252dm-sqlserver-adapterMicrosoft SQL Server Adapter for DataMapper
4839,34127,476do_openedgeImplements the DataObjects API for OpenEdge
4939,78937,438rails_datamapperRails Plugin for DataMapper
5042,59875,392jsonrpcVery simple JSON RPC client implementation
5181,87375,392planetscaleRuby client for PlanetScale Databases
5291,94612,861planetscale_railsA collection of rake tasks to make managing schema migrations with PlanetScale easy
5393,14275,392windmillBasic Ruby Windmill client so it's easy to integrate with for example Cucumber features.
54113,28075,392do-jdbc_sqlserverJDBC Driver for SQL Server (jTDS), packaged as a Gem