Dbussink's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,5854,470extlibSupport library for Merb
23,0766,286data_objectsProvide a standard and simplified API for communicating with RDBMS from Ruby
33,1076,987dm-coreDataMapper core library
43,2587,635dm-migrationsDataMapper plugin for writing and speccing migrations
53,3197,207dm-do-adapterDataObjects Adapter for DataMapper
63,7017,601dm-validationsLibrary for performing validations on DM models and pure Ruby object
73,74910,745dm-serializerDataMapper plugin for serializing Resources and Collections
83,75210,892dm-aggregatesDataMapper plugin providing support for aggregates on collections
93,7547,849dm-timestampsDataMapper plugin for magical timestamps
103,7737,100do_sqlite3Implements the DataObjects API for Sqlite3
113,78411,682dm-typesDataMapper plugin providing extra data types
123,88910,745dm-constraintsDataMapper plugin constraining relationships
133,93410,745dm-transactionsMakes transaction support available for adapters that support them
144,26112,946data_mapperFaster, Better, Simpler.
154,27310,892dm-sqlite-adapterSqlite3 Adapter for DataMapper
164,37316,657do_postgresImplements the DataObjects API for PostgreSQL
174,84816,044do_mysqlImplements the DataObjects API for MySQL
185,16117,333dm-postgres-adapterPostgreSQL Adapter for DataMapper
196,20519,101dm-mysql-adapterMySQL Adapter for DataMapper
207,17111,358datamapperFaster, Better, Simpler.
218,58633,893dm-observerDataMapper plugin for observing Resources
229,40541,086dm-active_modelA datamapper plugin for active_model compliance and thus rails 3 compatibility.
239,56341,086dm-ar-findersDataMapper plugin providing ActiveRecord-style finders
249,68233,893do_oracleImplements the DataObjects API for Oracle
2510,08841,086dm-railsIntegrate DataMapper with Rails 3
2610,5364,856geoip2_compatLookup IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in Maxmind GeoIP2 database files
2711,32523,402dm-is-treeDataMapper plugin allowing the creation of tree structures from data models
2811,97061,367dm-adjustDataMapper plugin providing methods to increment and decrement properties
2912,60919,101dm-sweatshopDataMapper plugin for building pseudo random models
3013,71625,716dm-cliDataMapper plugin allowing interaction with models through a CLI
3114,45429,456dm-tagsThis package brings tagging to DataMapper. It is inspired by Acts As Taggable On by Mi...
3214,80741,086do_jdbcProvides JDBC support for usage in DO drivers for JRuby
3315,11761,367dm-is-listDataMapper plugin for creating and organizing lists
3415,26261,367dm-is-state_machineDataMapper plugin for creating state machines
3516,15561,367dm-is-nested_setDataMapper plugin allowing the creation of nested sets from data models
3616,52041,086dm-rest-adapterREST Adapter for DataMapper
3716,57919,101dm-is-remixabledm-is-remixable allow you to create reusable data functionality
3816,73661,367dm-is-searchableA DataMapper plugin for searching
3918,00661,367dm-is-versionedDataMapper plugin enabling simple versioning of models
4020,63241,086dm-ferret-adapterFerret Adapter for DataMapper
4121,09961,367do_derbyImplements the DataObjects API for Derby
4221,11961,367do_hsqldbImplements the DataObjects API for Hsqldb
4321,14229,456do_h2Implements the DataObjects API for H2
4421,62061,367do_sqlserverImplements the DataObjects API for Microsoft SQL Server
4524,49261,367dm-yaml-adapterYAML Adapter for DataMapper
4628,72361,367dm-oracle-adapterOracle Adapter for DataMapper
4730,13561,367dm-sqlserver-adapterMicrosoft SQL Server Adapter for DataMapper
4839,68661,367do_openedgeImplements the DataObjects API for OpenEdge
4940,20461,367rails_datamapperRails Plugin for DataMapper
5042,97061,367jsonrpcVery simple JSON RPC client implementation
5175,56812,502planetscale_railsA collection of rake tasks to make managing schema migrations with PlanetScale easy
5281,75221,627planetscaleRuby client for PlanetScale Databases
5393,80261,367windmillBasic Ruby Windmill client so it's easy to integrate with for example Cucumber features.
54114,04261,367do-jdbc_sqlserverJDBC Driver for SQL Server (jTDS), packaged as a Gem