Dwbutler's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,4212,073logstash-loggerRuby logger that writes directly to LogStash
24,7292,938date_time_precisionPatches Date, Time, and DateTime ruby classes to keep track of precision
35,2577,552groupifyAdds group and membership functionality to Rails models
418,13842,025rdf-raptorRDF.rb plugin for parsing/serializing NTriples, RDF/XML, Turtle and RDFa data using the...
522,05286,038geolookupCommon geo lookups
661,09086,038qu-mongoidMongoid backend for the Ruby queuing library Qu
765,46453,556faraday_middleware-active_support_jsonFaraday middleware for handling JSON using ActiveSupport::JSON
881,00853,556numericAdds numeric checking to Ruby
983,38731,663levenshtein-jrubyCalculate the Levenshtein distance between two strings in JRuby
10105,79486,038multi_workerProvides a common interface to Ruby worker/queue libraries.