Chaunce's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
140,07418,580material_icons-railsGoogle Material Icons font assets and form helpers
248,413140,819active_reporterFlexible but opinionated framework for defining and running reports on Rails models bac...
352,060140,819expiring_asset_linksHandles storing and generating CarrierWave FOG expiring asset link stored in string and...
457,70650,528font_awesome_tag_helperAdds Font Awesome tag helpers.
667,00320,486presta_shopprestashop webservice api
775,89721,639rails_configurationsParse and store YAML configuration files in Railspec.configuration
893,501140,819deeply_enumerablerecusrive support for enumerable operations
997,086140,819bundler-nextbundler next
10122,72380,328pry-emojiClutter up your shell with some emoji. Why not? You already have all that pry crap mu...
11132,431140,819augmentorAugment an ActiveRecord class by including one or moe additional ActiveRecord extension...
12135,583100,773refinerycms-locationsRuby on Rails Locations engine for Refinery CMS