Cjfuller's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
142,56553,556find_beadsSegments and quantifies beads in microscopy images
249,83786,038cicadaCICADA (Colocalization and In-situ Correction of Aberration for Distance Analysis) impl...
356,40786,038rimageanalysistoolsHelper code and some extensions for the ImageAnalysisTools package at http://cjfuller.g...
488,08086,038panelizeScript for arranging microscopy images into a grid with constant leveling for making fi...
588,63886,038ml_ratiosolveMethods for using maximum likelihood calculations to estimate parmeters of ratios of ga...
691,48386,038sinatra_personaPersona verifier for Sinatra
799,32886,038fcsparseParses flow cytometry FCS v3.x files and allows output to plain (delimited) text.
8104,69386,038nmatrix_extrasExtra functions for nmatrix
9105,58842,025labdb_managerScript for updating, helping to install, and managing labdb.
10137,61886,038time_machine_toolsTools that copy data off Apple time machine backups on systems that do not support the ...