1 | 42,990 | 57,505 | find_beads | Segments and quantifies beads in microscopy images |
2 | 50,265 | 57,505 | cicada | CICADA (Colocalization and In-situ Correction of Aberration for Distance Analysis) impl... |
3 | 56,833 | 22,984 | rimageanalysistools | Helper code and some extensions for the ImageAnalysisTools package at http://cjfuller.g... |
4 | 88,582 | 57,505 | panelize | Script for arranging microscopy images into a grid with constant leveling for making fi... |
5 | 89,048 | 57,505 | ml_ratiosolve | Methods for using maximum likelihood calculations to estimate parmeters of ratios of ga... |
6 | 91,942 | 57,505 | sinatra_persona | Persona verifier for Sinatra |
7 | 99,887 | 57,505 | fcsparse | Parses flow cytometry FCS v3.x files and allows output to plain (delimited) text. |
8 | 105,234 | 57,505 | nmatrix_extras | Extra functions for nmatrix |
9 | 105,790 | 30,732 | labdb_manager | Script for updating, helping to install, and managing labdb. |
10 | 138,390 | 57,505 | time_machine_tools | Tools that copy data off Apple time machine backups on systems that do not support the ... |