Mmmries's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,85530,732action_subscriberActionSubscriber is a DSL that allows a rails app to consume messages from a RabbitMQ b...
211,07957,505active_publisherA library for publshing messages to RabbitMQ
312,24457,505docx_templaterUses a .docx file with keyword tags within '||' as a template. This gem will then open ...
413,65257,505lifeguardDo you have a threadpool? Do you need someone to watch it? Look no further!
515,21630,732mad_rubocopWrapper for MX specific RuboCop settings for managing custom settings across many proje...
637,83130,732kalculatorA calculator that can safely and quickly interpret user-input
741,04357,505bayesic_matchingbayesian approach to matching one list of strings with another
842,89957,505derelicteA JRuby specific gem that takes an html template and css file and inlines the css rules...
945,57230,732harness-active_publishera gem to collect instrumation stats from active_publisher and forward them to harness
1050,91913,082rspec-rablProvides a more declarative form of view testing for users of rabl
1161,53030,732github_pulleyWe're small and trying to eschew the use of a bigger project tracker
1268,53957,505mention-apiA wrapper for the API
1377,94057,505rspec_rablProvides a more declarative form of view testing for users of rabl
1488,29757,505harness-action_subscriberRecord statsd metrics about ActionSubscriber via Harness
15145,41157,505encog-lib-jarsA grem that just holds the encog java core lib jar. This jar comes from https://github....