Dreamingtulpa's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
135,72641,086autoAutomate everything!
244,36825,716seitenSeiten lets you create static pages for your Rails project and provides you with some c...
361,51541,086composecompose is a Ruby gem that provides AI-assisted code editing capabilities.
463,15510,620replicate-rubyRuby client for Replicate
5120,97661,367bobthebotBob is a cli bot which talks to you.
6126,11312,736elevenlabs-rubyRuby client for elevenlabs.io
7164,06961,367tulpa-prompterCLI tool to build animation prompts for AI notebooks like Deforum Stable Diffusion
8169,13833,893replicate-railsRails gem for Replicate
9171,85661,367karatekitRuby toolkit for the kampfsport.center API
10174,25161,367prompt-listsCategorised lists of things for AI image and media generation on promptcache.com.
11175,72861,367automatic1111Automatic1111 Ruby API Wrapper