Jtapia's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
162,23225,404jquerypp-railsThis gem provides jQuery++ for your Rails 3 application.
2130,46095,592solidus_oxxo_payThis extension process payments using the Conekta Oxxo payment method
3132,54095,592solidus_conekta_cardSolidus extension for processing credit card payments using Conekta API
4139,60195,592solidus_conektaSoldius Engine for Conekta Mexican Payment gateway
5150,65195,592spree_product_activatorSpree Product Activator Extension
6151,65195,592spree_address_populatorAdds an address selector to admin section
7160,05495,592solidus_newsletterAdds a newsletter form to the homepage
8160,39895,592solidus_sale_pricingSolidus extension to set sale products with start and end date.
9160,74295,592solidus_favoritesUsers can mark favorite products or anything else you want to allow
10160,83895,592solidus_address_bookAdds address book for users to Spree
11161,24795,592solidus_contact_usReworked the contact_us gem to add a basic contact us form to Spree.
12161,41095,592solidus_payment_method_by_zoneSolidus extension to allow payment methods to be restricted by zones
13163,31295,592harvested2Harvested wraps the Harvest API concisely without the use of Rails dependencies. More i...
14166,88195,592solidus_sliderAdds a slider to the homepage
15167,55795,592solidus_dynamic_sitemapsSoldius Engine for sitemaps
16167,77395,592solidus_abandoned_cartsTake some action for abandoned carts
17168,42795,592solidus_simple_dashOverview dashboard for use with Solidus.
18169,48295,592solidus_ship_compliantSolidus Engine for Ship compliant tax calculation service
19172,20895,592solidus_mercadopagoIntegrates Mercado Pago with Solidus
20177,24295,592solidus_pagySolidus extension using Pagy pagination.