Pikesley's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,15322,190skellingtonGenerate tedious Sinatra boilerplate like a boss
216,88723,861badgerbadgerbadgerGenerate Github project badges like a boss
320,39132,595insulinTake exported CSV from the OnTrack diabetes app, put it into MongoDB, and do interestin...
423,54232,595datapackageLibrary for working with data packages
524,899129,735ultronMADE FROM ADAMANTIUM
631,052129,735purdieCapture metadata from Flickr, SoundCloud et al for when we're building a static site
734,64451,488replacer_botSearch Twitter for a phrase, search-and-replace phrases in the tweets, tweet them
839,07251,488blocktrainTrain of fools
941,57951,488hanoi-janeSolve the Towers of Hanoi by counting in base 2 or 3
1052,52651,488nineteen-eighty-two© 1982 Sinclair Research Ltd.
1161,30351,488curacaoRspec extensions
1269,277129,735wordbotDo some stuff with text
1471,663129,735red5Ruby bindings for the Star Wars API
1580,61351,488marvel_explorerWander around the Marvel Comics data
1683,19851,488angerfistRack middleware for Google Analytics tracking server-side
1786,33151,488multichainClient for Multichain
1887,30532,595equestreumFor the Voting Machine
19100,41151,488lantusConvenience wrapper around Time
20111,723129,735qweqweSuch gem
21118,567129,735tweetsterBecause REASONS
22146,65651,488philbotCloudfiles client
23155,67151,488did_you_mean_this_other_thingAnnoy people
24155,70551,488dredgerBecause I'm tired of writing this again and again
25159,86951,488csv2restTurn CSVs into JSON
26162,304129,735neoclockNeoPixel clock
27166,263129,735wiperThis is incredibly niche
28169,45551,488keepasserBecause Dropbox is bad
29170,85451,488gitpaintJust because I can