1 | 27,722 | 63,432 | javaparse | Parsing info from Java files |
2 | 29,836 | 63,432 | multicuke | Run your features faster |
3 | 38,011 | 63,432 | jaxrsdoc | Website bootstrap style generator for your JAXRS REST API doc |
4 | 56,150 | 16,639 | scrapouille | Interactive and declarative XPath driven HTML scraper |
5 | 70,862 | 63,432 | jstats | Outputs Java projects statistics from the command line |
6 | 102,444 | 30,305 | rvn | Ruby over the maven command line |
7 | 103,363 | 63,432 | bitcoin_node | Simple node on the p2p bitcoin network |
8 | 104,262 | 41,916 | blockcypher-client | Basic Ruby wrapper to interact with the Blockcypher API |
9 | 114,201 | 63,432 | observance | Returns the most likely observation given multiple observations |
10 | 128,389 | 63,432 | cukepages | Generate documentaion site from your cucumber features |
11 | 141,304 | 30,305 | restflow | Simple DSL to assert REST services |