1 | 17,581 | 86,038 | chef-handler-sensu-event | Triggers a Sensu event if Chef fails to complete |
2 | 21,720 | 53,556 | chef-handler-motd | Edits MOTD at the end of a Chef run |
3 | 26,821 | 86,038 | chef-handler-run-data | Exports node data to disk at end of successful run |
4 | 28,701 | 86,038 | chef-handler-timestamp | Adds a timestamp at the end of a successful Chef run |
5 | 29,539 | 86,038 | chef-handler-sensu | Cleans up old Sensu checks during a Chef run |
6 | 30,199 | 86,038 | chef-handler-cookbook-copy | Moves cookbooks to new location at end of run |
7 | 33,270 | 86,038 | chef-handler-spinup-complete | Notify when instance spinup is complete |
8 | 43,937 | 24,968 | hinoki | A programmatic CLI utility for interacting with the Sensu API |
9 | 55,037 | 86,038 | chef-handler-influxdb | Updates InfluxDB with Chef run and arbitrary user data |
10 | 63,121 | 86,038 | chef-handler-reset-resolvconf | Resets resolv.conf |
11 | 132,782 | 53,556 | chef-handler-deleter | Deletes after notifications run. |
12 | 144,691 | 86,038 | thumper | Gem for performing various auxiliary tasks for RabbitMQ |