Jakedavis's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
117,58186,038chef-handler-sensu-eventTriggers a Sensu event if Chef fails to complete
221,72053,556chef-handler-motdEdits MOTD at the end of a Chef run
326,82186,038chef-handler-run-dataExports node data to disk at end of successful run
428,70186,038chef-handler-timestampAdds a timestamp at the end of a successful Chef run
529,53986,038chef-handler-sensuCleans up old Sensu checks during a Chef run
630,19986,038chef-handler-cookbook-copyMoves cookbooks to new location at end of run
733,27086,038chef-handler-spinup-completeNotify when instance spinup is complete
843,93724,968hinokiA programmatic CLI utility for interacting with the Sensu API
955,03786,038chef-handler-influxdbUpdates InfluxDB with Chef run and arbitrary user data
1063,12186,038chef-handler-reset-resolvconfResets resolv.conf
11132,78253,556chef-handler-deleterDeletes after notifications run.
12144,69186,038thumperGem for performing various auxiliary tasks for RabbitMQ