Liluo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,38511,638omniauth-douban-oauth2OmniAuth OAuth2 strategy for Douban.
255,45074,510ipipIP search based on
3109,01174,510todc-bs-sassSass port of todc-bootstrap (Google-styled theme for Bootstrap).
4127,39774,510capistrano-friday-goodluckCapistrano plugin that wishes you good luck when you deploy on Friday
5133,77174,'s gem
6136,90874,510douDou's gem
7149,71847,329omniauth-weixin-oauth2OmniAuth OAuth2 strategy for Wexin.
8155,72274,510logstash-filter-ipipThe IPIP filter adds information about the location of IP addresses, based on data from...
9170,02874,510global_shared_dbsome shared data.
10172,09874,510laixA simple gem