1 | 13,326 | 9,508 | delayed-method | Allow you to quickly move a long call to background which then executed by resque |
2 | 16,508 | 8,258 | redis_test | A helper to launch redis server during test |
3 | 22,812 | 48,252 | remi-signer | A simple restful api signing |
4 | 30,331 | 75,392 | aasm_ohm_persistence | Persistence adapter to use AASM with Ohm |
5 | 39,468 | 37,438 | simple_provision | The easiest, most common sense server provision tool. |
6 | 44,015 | 75,392 | redis-rpc | RedisRpc is the easiest to use RPC library in the world. (No small claim!).
This ve... |
7 | 53,748 | 17,276 | coin-address-validators | Validators for btc, bch, ltc, eth, xrp addresses |
8 | 57,450 | 75,392 | deis-interactive | Wrapper for kubectl to quickly launch console to a deis app |
9 | 57,487 | 75,392 | mermaid-publisher | Publish mermaid to gdrive |
10 | 61,436 | 24,639 | coleslaw | A gem that allow you to upload your test results to http://coleslawapp.com |
11 | 66,838 | 48,252 | regeoip | Resolve ipv4 and ipv6 to country code without need for extra http request |
12 | 88,006 | 75,392 | gt-collection-calculator | A calculator to deal with GTCollection nasty charging calculation |
13 | 116,382 | 48,252 | ruby-await-node | Efficiently execute js from ruby by keeping a long run nodejs process |
14 | 139,169 | 75,392 | rails-push-and-migrate | Library to help push and then run migration for rails if necessary |
15 | 139,923 | 75,392 | nest-redis | It is a design pattern in key-value databases to use the key to simulate structure, and... |
16 | 151,945 | 37,438 | fileio | Quickly upload to file.io |
17 | 153,444 | 75,392 | redic-sentinel | automatic master/slave failover solution for redic by using built-in redis sentinel |
18 | 171,369 | 75,392 | id_asc | Add id_asc scope to ActiveRecord |
19 | 172,495 | 75,392 | mermaid-preview | Preview mermaid .mmd file on local machine |