Phuongnd08's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,1156,371delayed-methodAllow you to quickly move a long call to background which then executed by resque
216,60927,344redis_testA helper to launch redis server during test
322,94519,350remi-signerA simple restful api signing
430,79267,808aasm_ohm_persistencePersistence adapter to use AASM with Ohm
539,76067,808simple_provisionThe easiest, most common sense server provision tool.
644,38467,808redis-rpcRedisRpc is the easiest to use RPC library in the world. (No small claim!). This ve...
753,83667,808coin-address-validatorsValidators for btc, bch, ltc, eth, xrp addresses
857,47967,808deis-interactiveWrapper for kubectl to quickly launch console to a deis app
957,78167,808mermaid-publisherPublish mermaid to gdrive
1061,80367,808coleslawA gem that allow you to upload your test results to
1167,09767,808regeoipResolve ipv4 and ipv6 to country code without need for extra http request
1288,67345,971gt-collection-calculatorA calculator to deal with GTCollection nasty charging calculation
13115,90667,808ruby-await-nodeEfficiently execute js from ruby by keeping a long run nodejs process
14139,25067,808rails-push-and-migrateLibrary to help push and then run migration for rails if necessary
15139,66667,808nest-redisIt is a design pattern in key-value databases to use the key to simulate structure, and...
16148,86367,808fileioQuickly upload to
17153,88267,808redic-sentinelautomatic master/slave failover solution for redic by using built-in redis sentinel
18171,90145,971id_ascAdd id_asc scope to ActiveRecord
19173,06567,808mermaid-previewPreview mermaid .mmd file on local machine