1 | 612 | 877 | multi_test | Wafter-thin gem to help control rogue test/unit/autorun requires |
2 | 5,688 | 7,225 | event-bus | This gem notifies subscribers about event |
3 | 9,197 | 20,054 | relish | Client gem for http://relishapp.com |
4 | 11,175 | 17,444 | bool | Boolean expression evaluator |
5 | 17,967 | 26,609 | cucumber-pro | Client library for publishing results to the Cucumber Pro service |
6 | 19,977 | 26,609 | belly | Client app for the incredible new belly web service, coming soon. |
7 | 24,464 | 53,556 | bbc-a11y | A tool for testing the compliance of web URLs against the BBC's accessibilty guidelines |
8 | 30,554 | 42,025 | cucumber-rails2 | Cucumber Generators and Runtime for Rails |
9 | 43,283 | 42,025 | the | Simple and clean domain model DSL for tests |
10 | 43,870 | 31,663 | cucumber-tcl | TCL plugin for Cucumber |
11 | 45,604 | 53,556 | mega_mutex | Distributed mutex for Ruby |
12 | 45,700 | 31,663 | ssh-forever | Provides a replacement for the SSH command which automatically copies your public key w... |
13 | 54,023 | 24,968 | image_spec | A library of Rspec matchers to allow comparison of similar images |
14 | 62,141 | 23,626 | google-custom_search | Ruby library for querying Google's Custom Search APIs. |
15 | 119,302 | 86,038 | raffle | A refactoring tool for ruby. |
16 | 119,816 | 86,038 | cucumber-usual_suspects | Identities for Cucumber step definitions |
17 | 131,034 | 53,556 | git_acl_shell | Protects access to git, using an ACL HTTP endpoint... |
18 | 151,663 | 86,038 | aruba-contrib | This gem contains all steps/API methods which might be valueable for the 'aruba'-commun... |
19 | 167,800 | 86,038 | relish-billing | Handles billing |