1 | 5,707 | 2,407 | aptible-api | Ruby client for api.aptible.com |
2 | 6,603 | 5,941 | aptible-auth | Ruby client for auth.aptible.com |
3 | 7,100 | 6,378 | aptible-resource | Foundation classes for Aptible resource server gems |
4 | 7,580 | 6,814 | fridge | Token validation for distributed resource servers |
5 | 8,014 | 8,139 | aptible-cli | Aptible CLI |
6 | 9,313 | 15,949 | aptible-billing | Ruby client for billing.aptible.com |
7 | 9,775 | 15,582 | garner | Garner is a cache layer for Ruby and Rack applications, supporting model and instance b... |
8 | 10,725 | 58,846 | oauth2-aptible | A Ruby wrapper for the OAuth 2.0 protocol built with a similar style to the original OA... |
9 | 11,608 | 12,172 | aptible-tasks | Shared Rake tasks for Aptible projects |
10 | 12,048 | 10,087 | aptible-rails | Rails helpers for Aptible service applications |
11 | 18,214 | 29,727 | sidekiq-field-encryptor | Selectively encrypt fields in Sidekiq |
12 | 20,626 | 18,933 | opsworks-cli | OpsWorks CLI |
13 | 22,827 | 43,535 | mini_ca | A minimal Certification Authority, for use in specs |
14 | 24,417 | 58,846 | aptible-billforward | Ruby client for BillForward.net |
15 | 38,408 | 28,297 | rabl-generators | Rabl generators for Rails resources |
16 | 44,885 | 26,251 | aptible-gridiron | Ruby client for gridiron.aptible.com |
17 | 49,354 | 46,777 | straptible | A tool for bootstrapping new Aptible projects |
18 | 58,498 | 117,678 | omnivault | Abstract password vault for multiple providers |
19 | 64,962 | 43,535 | lessonly-ruby | Ruby client for Lesson.ly API |
20 | 65,875 | 53,263 | aws-pws | A password-protected CredentialProvider for AWS |
21 | 129,582 | 97,080 | hyperresource-aptible | HyperResource is a hypermedia client library for Ruby. Its goals are to
interface ... |
22 | 155,825 | 117,678 | spawn_passthrough | Spawn passthrough processes |
23 | 162,560 | 77,965 | aptible-comply | Ruby client for compliance-os-dashboard.aptible.com |
24 | 166,111 | 77,965 | comply-cli | Comply CLI |