Mostlyalex's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,9885,466beefcakeA pure-Ruby Protocol Buffers library
218,42822,754app_statusAppStatus provides a URL which is easily consumable by Nagios or other monitoring tools.
332,12620,314persistent_hashHandy place to stick small bits of persistent data. Like redis if you don't want to ins...
438,10627,598graphite_clientOriginal code by
540,86940,310as2Simple AS2 server and client implementation. Follows the AS2 implementation from http:/...
644,33940,310file_seriesAutomatically start writing to a new file every X seconds without any locking or file m...
745,31640,310cron_swansoneasily schedule multiple apps to run the same job at different times
856,66540,310json_loggerA subclass of Ruby's standard `Logger` which makes it easy to write structured data to ...
974,14240,310time_chunkIterate over time ranges in discrete chunks.
1082,29340,310where_was_iGiven a GPX file and a time reference, return a location.
11104,12840,310serialismLike ActiveModel::Serializer but smaller and not JSON-centric.
12125,72440,310cheferizeTransliterate strings into Swedish Chef.
13143,74640,310eight_cornerMap text to graphic figures inspired by Georg Nees 'eight corner' project.