#611's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
132,74633,052rujitsuVarious helper methods to smooth over Ruby development
250,740147,291bigwigA daemon that listens to an AMQP queue and responds to messages by invoking commands fr...
361,71960,549warrenLibrary for pushing messages onto and off RabbitMQ queues
464,92460,549rspec-rails-extHelpers for prettying up your RSpec-Rails specifications
565,66840,267object-factoryA simple object factory to help you build valid objects in your tests
675,37971,169rspec-check-authQuickly check your rails controller actions require authentication
783,207147,291c_cryptRuby wrapper for the C crypt() function.
8127,213107,887secure_uriAdds methods to URI to let you compare a url to a hash of itself