1 | 47,360 | 47,329 | household_people_and_contributions | Extract GSP Data from Fellowshipone |
2 | 55,921 | 74,510 | fortune_teller | Commandline Ruby version of an origami fortune teller: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pap... |
3 | 68,050 | 74,510 | interactive_grep | grep for stuff in (optionally gzipped) files ...even before you fully know what that 's... |
4 | 83,191 | 74,510 | class_inheritable | Duplicate Rails old class_inheritable_array sans base-class monkey-patching |
5 | 108,122 | 38,694 | pisec | all rights reserved; for internal use only |
6 | 109,889 | 33,946 | my_first_markov | Pass it a list of entries (words, letters, ???) then, give it an entry and query for a ... |
7 | 138,448 | 74,510 | donedone | Check your existing todo items, add new ones, update old one |