Jayteesr's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
147,36047,329household_people_and_contributionsExtract GSP Data from Fellowshipone
255,92174,510fortune_tellerCommandline Ruby version of an origami fortune teller: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pap...
368,05074,510interactive_grepgrep for stuff in (optionally gzipped) files ...even before you fully know what that 's...
483,19174,510class_inheritableDuplicate Rails old class_inheritable_array sans base-class monkey-patching
5108,12238,694pisecall rights reserved; for internal use only
6109,88933,946my_first_markovPass it a list of entries (words, letters, ???) then, give it an entry and query for a ...
7138,44874,510donedoneCheck your existing todo items, add new ones, update old one