1 | 33,923 | 21,451 | rack-cloudflare-jwt | Rack middleware that provides authentication based on CloudFlare JSON Web Tokens. |
2 | 48,331 | 51,280 | omniauth-shuttlerock-oauth2 | OmniAuth strategy for Shuttlerock. |
3 | 53,823 | 51,280 | chartmogul_client | A Ruby wrapper for the ChartMogul API |
4 | 55,386 | 51,280 | git-cleaner | Removes all of the old branches that have been merged into master |
5 | 56,288 | 51,280 | angular-i18n | AngularJS localization filter |
6 | 59,314 | 51,280 | youku_client | A Ruby wrapper for the Youku v2 API |
7 | 77,371 | 51,280 | domain-validator | ActiveModel validations for domains with fully localization support. |
8 | 110,075 | 51,280 | cross-service-messenger | Service for communicate apps via AWS SQS. |