Avokhmin's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
133,85619,038rack-cloudflare-jwtRack middleware that provides authentication based on CloudFlare JSON Web Tokens.
248,07133,946omniauth-shuttlerock-oauth2OmniAuth strategy for Shuttlerock.
353,70947,329chartmogul_clientA Ruby wrapper for the ChartMogul API
455,19874,510git-cleanerRemoves all of the old branches that have been merged into master
556,03747,329angular-i18nAngularJS localization filter
659,06274,510youku_clientA Ruby wrapper for the Youku v2 API
777,06374,510domain-validatorActiveModel validations for domains with fully localization support.
8109,73474,510cross-service-messengerService for communicate apps via AWS SQS.