Andrewsaguiar's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
137,80653,196correios-wscorreios-ws uses correios web-services SOAP to calculate shipping
259,39053,196bovespa-pricesbovespa-prices is a ruby gem that connects to bovespa to get stock prices
365,75853,196clinvoiceGenerates invoices using command line based on yaml file
474,78553,196natural-dateNatural language date parser in Ruby. natural-date can convert from plain text to date ...
590,85953,196mini_searchIn-memory naive search engine.
691,39215,642rladrSimple cli tool to generate ADR (architecture decision records) notes
7119,12953,196aws_climwraps aws cli in a very small and flexible ruby class
8131,88553,196xcurlConvenient wrapper for curl adds some features like (saved sessions, parameters)
9136,18353,196pato-gptPato assistente que usa ChatGpt
10157,89553,196logicallLogicall is a minimalist implementation of interactor pattern with clear separation bet...
11157,98937,763icmsCalculate ICMS between states.