Tomchipchase's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
129,94941,086confuseAdd nested configuration to an application
234,81361,367easol-canvasCanvas is a command line tool to help with building themes for Easol. It provides tooli...
338,72161,367climateLibrary, not a framework, for building command line interfaces to your ruby application
450,64023,402apt_controlAutomatically manage an apt repository that changes a lot
560,15761,367holdA persistence library based more closely on the repository model. Used in production ...
663,15561,367wirerA lightweight dependency injection framework to help wire up objects in Ruby
767,87261,367dozeLibrary for building restful APIs, with hierarchical routing, content type handling and...
873,50761,367thin_modelsSome convenience classes for 'thin models' -- pure domain model data objects which are ...
993,64861,367farmoneyValue objects to help dealing with financial things
1099,20033,893music_storyWrapper code for the MusicStory data product
11121,62861,367sidekiq-concurrency_safetyPrevent multiple sidekiq jobs with the same arguments from running at the same time.
12150,47461,367rack-cookie_rewriteThis simple middleware sets anything in the X-#{prefix}-Cookie header to Cookie, and in...
13152,86361,367vershuntMaintain versioning information in a consistent way, then build debian packages consist...
14157,48641,086oopsy-daisyImplementation to come later.
15170,68561,367kebabA library for creating kebab case strings. Forked from kebab, but using refinements...