Choplin's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
129,29120,054fluent-plugin-pgjsonFluentd Output Plugin for PostgreSQL JSON Type.
231,66086,038fluent-tailTools for tailing fluentd stream events
336,00123,626embulk-output-parquetParquet output plugin is an Embulk plugin that loads records to Parquet read by any inp...
439,84486,038fluent-plugin-ircOutput plugin for IRC
571,08886,038fluent-plugin-statsiteFluentd plugin which caluculate statistics using statsite
674,54786,038fluent-plugin-kibana-serverFluentd plugin which serves Kibana within fluentd process
7128,92786,038fluent-plugin-tail-liteFluentd input plugin which read text files and emit each line as it is.
8139,98986,038fluent-plugin-event-snifferFluentd plugin which serves web application sniffing streaming events