Sinsoku's Gems

See profile on Gravatar
#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,66521,627rails-env-credentialsIt enhances the credentials configuration introduced by Rails v5.2.0
213,74113,218gems_comparatorA comparator for Gemfile.lock that generate the GitHub's compare view urls
314,24513,506bundler-diffBundlerDiff show changes with GitHub comapre view urls.
433,63861,367bananaA simple plugin for multiple databases in rails app.
538,27461,367ponytailPonytail is a Rails engine that shows the migrations.
647,03561,367forkwell_copRuboCop configration in Forkwell
755,91661,367tachikoma_aiGive a comparing function on GitHub to tachikoma
872,04161,367yard-sigIt provides a way to define types with `@!sig` directive instead of other tags.
975,10361,367bundler_diffgemsBundlerDiffgems show changes with GitHub comapre view urls.
1078,28761,367pretty_validationPrettyValidation generate validation modules from database schema
1195,97361,367ecs_oneshotA CLI tool that simply executes tasks on AWS Fargate.
1297,85461,367action_prefixerIt appends a path to searching partial views
13102,72733,893oauth_adapterOAuth Adapter provides a simple way that use OAuth request
15114,29561,367ghost_picturesGhostPictures provides the feature to wait for Ajax requests with Capybara.
16117,01533,893mini_stylemini_style provides a simple helper
17117,51261,367active_record_in_cacheProvides a method to execute SQL while automatically caching
18148,05161,367jewel_seedJewelSeed is best seed manager for Rails
19152,84761,367take_offTakeOff is a rails engine for creating landing page quickly.
20155,05361,367active_record_lazy_find_byIt provides a simple method to make SQL execution lazy.
21161,70541,086pickelA plugin that make it easy to build a search form
22166,41241,086rails_assetsless_containerStarts a server without including assets in the container.
23173,66061,367rails_credentials_custom_keyProvides a way to get the master key in Rails other than environment variables and key ...
24179,11061,367rbs-traceRBS::Trace collects argument types and return value types using TracePoint, and inserts...
25179,14661,367sinsoku_helloThis is a gem created for studying.