Hlascelles's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,6118,353que-schedulerA lightweight cron scheduler for the Que async job worker
210,7848,005figjamENV configuration for ruby using hierarchical environment yaml files
315,44361,367session-checkA gem for JS clients to check if their session has expired.
415,96461,367que-uniqueA gem that removes duplicates when multiple copies of a que job are enqueued.
520,21061,367rifleRedis search server
623,92161,367jasmine-coverageA gem that runs jasmine javascript tests with all the goodness of coverage reports.
731,69361,367dememoizeA gem to clean up memoization. This is useful for testing, where you want to ensure tha...
837,41733,893knockout-assetsPrepares the SHA values of CDN assets in a JS hash. Knockout templates can then refer t...
951,70261,367radix-firstbancoRadix is a very easy to use Ruby library for converting numbers to and from any base. I...
1067,86861,367jasmine-headless-webkit-firstbancoRun Jasmine specs headlessly. This is a fork gem that makes firstbanco deploys easier. ...
11176,76961,367ferrum-harRubygem to convert ferrum traffic to HAR files
12183,10561,367bundler-resolutionsA bundler plugin to enforce resolutions without specifying a concrete dependency