Fiachetti's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,78363,432trecsRecord text screencasts.
215,64641,916matestNatural assertions test suite.
325,13263,432mystiquePut a presenter in front of your objects.
439,84441,916lucid_httpLucid Http wraps the http.rb gem in a simple DSL. Is particularly useful for screencast...
540,09663,432colinCOmmand Line INterface.
643,01263,432vaMinimalistic framework agnostic Validator.
744,22941,916formularioCreate form objects for your project. This forms are framework agnostic.
845,13163,432string_plusSome extra methods for strings.
949,15763,432laysLayered text frames for TRecs.
1051,82163,432you_shall_not_passEmbrace authorization with this simple library.
1157,06163,432cuba-assetsAsset pipeline for Cuba. Sprockets integration for Cuba.
1262,17230,305callableIt makes available the callable, Callable and callable? methods that allows you to make...
1378,29122,084rb_toolboxSome Ruby toold I need all the time
14110,48763,432mumm_raProvides a way to access data via a Repository object.
15112,26663,432gregSimple code generator.
16148,20763,432pessimizerAdd the pessimistic constraint operator to all gems in your Gemfile, restricting the ma...
17160,00563,432vymCreate awesome mindmaps.
18163,74463,432config-roleConfigure your objects
19168,78541,916rakepressPublish to WordPress using Rake. Write your posts in org-mode
20175,06663,432medidasAdd measures to your Ruby application and operate avoiding primitive obsession
21181,17763,432livetypingLiveTyping implementation for Ruby