1 | 13,783 | 63,432 | trecs | Record text screencasts. |
2 | 15,646 | 41,916 | matest | Natural assertions test suite. |
3 | 25,132 | 63,432 | mystique | Put a presenter in front of your objects. |
4 | 39,844 | 41,916 | lucid_http | Lucid Http wraps the http.rb gem in a simple DSL. Is particularly useful for screencast... |
5 | 40,096 | 63,432 | colin | COmmand Line INterface. |
6 | 43,012 | 63,432 | va | Minimalistic framework agnostic Validator. |
7 | 44,229 | 41,916 | formulario | Create form objects for your project. This forms are framework agnostic. |
8 | 45,131 | 63,432 | string_plus | Some extra methods for strings. |
9 | 49,157 | 63,432 | lays | Layered text frames for TRecs. |
10 | 51,821 | 63,432 | you_shall_not_pass | Embrace authorization with this simple library. |
11 | 57,061 | 63,432 | cuba-assets | Asset pipeline for Cuba. Sprockets integration for Cuba. |
12 | 62,172 | 30,305 | callable | It makes available the callable, Callable and callable? methods that allows you to make... |
13 | 78,291 | 22,084 | rb_toolbox | Some Ruby toold I need all the time |
14 | 110,487 | 63,432 | mumm_ra | Provides a way to access data via a Repository object. |
15 | 112,266 | 63,432 | greg | Simple code generator. |
16 | 148,207 | 63,432 | pessimizer | Add the pessimistic constraint operator to all gems in your Gemfile, restricting the ma... |
17 | 160,005 | 63,432 | vym | Create awesome mindmaps. |
18 | 163,744 | 63,432 | config-role | Configure your objects |
19 | 168,785 | 41,916 | rakepress | Publish to WordPress using Rake. Write your posts in org-mode |
20 | 175,066 | 63,432 | medidas | Add measures to your Ruby application and operate avoiding primitive obsession |
21 | 181,177 | 63,432 | livetyping | LiveTyping implementation for Ruby |