1 | 5,185 | 2,821 | weak_parameters | Add a validation filter to your controller. |
2 | 8,318 | 4,270 | expeditor | Expeditor provides asynchronous execution and fault tolerance for microservices |
3 | 9,644 | 7,734 | aws-xray | The unofficial X-Ray Tracing SDK for Ruby. |
4 | 9,781 | 6,363 | garage_client | Ruby client library for the Garage API |
5 | 10,146 | 10,877 | chanko | Chanko is a Rails extension tool |
6 | 13,100 | 11,507 | the_garage | Garage extends your RESTful, Hypermedia APIs as a Platform |
7 | 16,153 | 8,818 | denv | Loads environment variables to `ENV` from `.env` file. No special treatments about shel... |
8 | 20,170 | 8,685 | barbeque_client | Barbeque client for Ruby |
9 | 22,061 | 78,154 | kumonos | A "control plane" for Microservices "service mesh". |
10 | 26,023 | 78,154 | weather_jp | Fetch Japan weather info as Ruby object easily. |
11 | 29,864 | 18,641 | debug_exceptions_json | A Rack application for debugging in API server on Rails. Debug exception with json. |
12 | 30,898 | 57,499 | arproxy-query_caller_location_annotator | Append query caller to each ActiveRecord's query log. |
13 | 33,957 | 27,573 | pact_junit_formatter | Dump pact verification result with JUnit format. |
14 | 36,577 | 20,644 | datapipes | To handle multi steamings easily. |
15 | 40,399 | 57,499 | mixed_gauge | A simple and robust ActiveRecord extension for database sharding. Supports shards manag... |
16 | 53,928 | 78,154 | mikutter_plugin_base | Write mikutter plugin using module system like Sinatra. |
17 | 55,639 | 20,644 | active_entity | An extension for Active Model to encourage implementing entity. |
18 | 61,854 | 78,154 | ruboty-echo | echo plugin for Ruboty bot framework. |
19 | 62,326 | 45,714 | garage-doorkeeper | Garage extension to integrate doorkeeper gem. |
20 | 65,918 | 78,154 | mecab-ext | Make mecab-ruby more handy for most of rubyist. |
21 | 87,595 | 78,154 | ruboty-japan_weather | An action to tell weather forecast for ruboty bot framework. |
22 | 91,099 | 45,714 | bot_nyan | Bot_nyan is quickly creating twitter-bot in Ruby with Sinatra like DSL |
23 | 136,182 | 78,154 | ruboty-delay | To delay command in Ruboty bot framework. |
24 | 155,658 | 78,154 | ruboty-oyasumi-hubot | hubot is absent. |