1 | 164 | 182 | warden | An authentication library compatible with all Rack-based frameworks |
2 | 4,652 | 4,075 | rails_warden | A gem that provides authentication Rails helpers when using Warden for authentication |
3 | 5,538 | 10,997 | pivotal-tracker | Ruby wrapper for the Pivotal Tracker API |
4 | 12,148 | 28,793 | mongomatic | Mongomatic is a modular Ruby object mapper for Mongo |
5 | 15,318 | 28,793 | sinatra_warden | basic helpers and authentication methods for using warden with sinatra also providing s... |
6 | 17,095 | 53,556 | fdlcap | a set of capistrano recipies we use regularly at Factory Design Labs |
7 | 33,938 | 86,038 | socialite | Rails engine supporting multiple auth providers per user. |
8 | 37,323 | 42,025 | stale_fish | Stub HTTP responses |
9 | 37,666 | 23,626 | jsonapi-consumer | Create ActiveModel-compliant objects for your JSONAPI-based API |
10 | 38,098 | 23,626 | jsmestad-chargify | Ruby wrapper for the Chargify API |
11 | 47,814 | 53,556 | zaarly-swearjar | Put another nickel in the swearjar. Simple profanity detection with content analysis. |
12 | 50,794 | 42,025 | reusable | Reusable mixins for Rails, RSpec, and Cucumber. |
13 | 54,905 | 42,025 | shipt | longer description of your gem |
14 | 63,403 | 23,626 | sinatra_autoload | Do not load files into memory until they are accessed / needed inside your application. |
15 | 70,567 | 86,038 | bitbuckets | Ruby wrapper for the BitBucket API supporting OAuth and Basic Authentication |
16 | 75,981 | 86,038 | ajsharp-sinatra-respond_to | A respond_to style Rails block for baked-in web service support in Sinatra |
17 | 97,603 | 35,920 | marketingcloud-mailer | Depends on the 'mail' gem, sends emails through Salesforce Marketingcloud, previously k... |
18 | 100,565 | 86,038 | sinatra-documentation | Tools for creating a simple web API |
19 | 102,345 | 86,038 | fdl_translator | Translator makes using Rails internationalization simpler |
20 | 102,390 | 42,025 | rocket_shorts | Because RocketPants needs another clothing option. |
21 | 133,530 | 53,556 | steward | Steward is a standalone web service for communicating to cloud services |
22 | 137,397 | 53,556 | jsmestad-audit_trail | Log transitions on a state machine to support auditing and business process analytics. |
23 | 142,893 | 86,038 | spoofer | A Ruby gem for faking external web services for testing |