Lloeki's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14792,339libv8Distributes the V8 JavaScript engine in binary and source forms in order to support fas...
21,2061,673mini_racerMinimal embedded v8 engine for Ruby
31,6881,676libv8-nodeNode.JS's V8 JavaScript engine for multiplatform goodness
419,22866,923sprockets-lessThe dynamic stylesheet language for the Sprockets asset pipeline.
538,74216,519rebelSQL-flavoured Ruby, or is it the other way around?
648,26166,923tilt-pdfIntegrates PDF generation into a Tilt flow
750,89566,923zipcode-frQuery city information by zip code and city name, indexed by word prefixes.
855,17966,923zipcode-rackQuery city information by postal code and city name.
955,90166,923graftVendor-independent collaborative hooking library for Ruby
1058,27566,923passionviewGet view logic out of persistence models and controllers and put it into view models.
1160,26043,406debride-slimExtends debride to analyze Slim files
1262,48922,483slotmachineHides the ugly css and html from your views
1363,68466,923zipcode-dbUniformly query city information by zip/postal code and city name.
1479,56326,806skyjamDeftly interact with Google Music (a.k.a Skyjam)
1588,75666,923tilt-pdf-railsIntegrates PDF generation with Tilt::PDF into ActionView
1688,79566,923sprockets-umoduleuModule wrapping for the Sprockets asset pipeline.
17102,56166,923makebookAssembling books with style from Markdown sources
18105,77666,923meminfoObtain process memory information
19107,50966,923umodule-sourceuModule source as a Ruby gem.
20108,05366,923isloMakes app completely self-contained by abstracting service process settings and exe...
21112,38066,923local_tunnelLocaltunnel allows you to easily share a web service on your local development mach...
22113,13266,923nanoserveNanoServe allows you to wait for an external call and act on it.
23118,08466,923pg_ftsRelation-aware synchronous full text search index for PostgreSQL using PL/pgSQL trigger...
24120,29743,406rack_silenceSilence logs per request from Rack
25158,44466,923normandyShare memory by communicating
26161,13566,923activerecord_chainsChains enable definition and evaluation of advanced rules of access to persisted ...
27167,59566,923content_storableSimple content-addressable store behaviour
28169,71366,923massiverecordLeverage Active Record introspection to perform fast mass interactions skipping r...
29170,62066,923pakImplicit namespacing and package definition, inspired by Python, Go, CommonJS.