Timrogers's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1126154octokitSimple wrapper for the GitHub API
29271,430restforceA lightweight Ruby client for the Salesforce REST API
312,1187,427airportsAccess data on airports from around the world
431,40861,114ImpatientSome of us are impatient. At least, I am - when I deploy an update to my app to Heroku,...
534,57161,114rapgeniusA gem for accessing texts and explanations on Genius.com
641,72461,114amexA library for accessing data on an American Express account
770,87061,114in_businessA gem for checking whether a given DateTime, Date or Time is within a predefined set of...
885,64561,114impatientSome of us are impatient. At least, I am - when I deploy an update to my app to Heroku,...
9100,34331,554starling-rubyA gem for interfacing with the Starling Bank API
10102,65343,216geniusA Ruby client for the Genius API ().
11104,68961,114object-inA monkeypatch on Object which adds the instance method "in?", which is Array#include? w...
12104,85161,114lse_coursesAccess to data on courses at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
13105,88661,114jekyll_reading_timeCalculate how long it'll take to read a Jekyll post or page
14117,24061,114mummyTest yourself on words listed in a file - perfect for revising for exams!
15119,16161,114nccoBuild and validate Nexmo Call Control Objects (NCCOs) with a simple API
16119,44561,114prime_productsOutput the multiplication table of the first `n` prime numbers
17124,65561,114amex2xeroConverts a statement CSV exported from American Express to a bank statement CSV suitabl...
18135,26261,114lloydstsbA library for accessing data from Lloyds TSB's online banking
19135,63761,114unistatsAn API for accessing the Unistats API, which provides data from the Higher Education Fu...
20144,15961,114rails-settings-rails32Settings is a plugin that makes managing a table of global key, value pairs easy. Think...
21164,71443,216starling_terminalA tool for viewing your Starling Bank statement from your terminal