Denisdefreyne's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,6552,164criCri allows building easy-to-use command-line interfaces with support for subcommands.
25,1376,805nanocNanoc is a static-site generator focused on flexibility. It transforms content from a f...
38,2558,320adsfA web server that can be spawned in any directory
48,4176,979ddpluginProvides plugin management for Ruby projects
58,4736,965nanoc-coreContains the core of Nanoc
68,7976,921slow_enumerator_toolsprovides tools for transforming Ruby enumerators that produce data slowly and unpredict...
78,8236,933ddmetricsNon-timeseries measurements for Ruby programs
89,0516,954nanoc-cliProvides the CLI for Nanoc
99,6926,979nanoc-checkingProvides checking functionality for Nanoc
109,7256,965nanoc-deployingProvides deploying functionality for Nanoc
1112,11780,049nanoc3a web publishing system written in Ruby for building small to medium-sized websites.
1212,5809,796adsf-liveAutomatically reloads when changes are detected.
1313,28621,198ddmemoizeAdds support for memoizing functions
1413,28934,466guard-nanocAutomatically rebuilds Nanoc sites
1514,4049,796nanoc-liveProvides support for auto-recompiling Nanoc sites.
1623,54061,626rainpressA CSS compressor
1743,77080,049nanoc-gitProvides a Git deployer for Nanoc. Obsolete; merged into Nanoc 4.5.
1858,08746,897d-markD★Mark is a markup language aimed at being able to write semantically meaningful text w...
1965,29861,626nanoc-asciidoctorProvides an Asciidoctor filter for Nanoc. Obsolete; merged into Nanoc 4.8.
2069,20080,049nanoc-externalProvides an :external filter for Nanoc
2190,24746,897ddtelemetryNon-timeseries telemetry
2291,93880,049nanoc-tiltProvides a :tilt filter for Nanoc
23105,53646,897ddbufferBuffer enumerables
24109,26080,049nanoc-typoheroProvides a :typohero filter for nanoc
25114,62780,049nanoc-lftpProvides an :lftp deployer for nanoc
26121,44180,049nanoc2a tool that runs on your local computer and compiles Markdown, Textile, Haml, ... docum...
27127,21980,049fast-aleckFast Aleck lets your text use proper ellipses, smart quotes, proper dashes and more.
28130,228163,113releasedextensible release tool
29134,69380,049nanoc-specProvides Nanoc::Spec, containing functionality for writing tests for Nanoc
30140,05080,049yonceAll the single ladies!
31156,95880,049nanoc-erectorProvides an :erector filter for nanoc
32158,22461,626nanoc-dart-sassProvides a :dart_sass filter for Nanoc
33159,48946,897d-parseD★Parse is a library for building parser combinators.
34163,02346,897d-streamD★Stream is a set of utilities for dealing with lazy streams.
35165,09580,049nanoc-rustContains parts of Nanoc rewritten in Rust for speed
36176,36828,088bloopA gem that Denis uses for demonstration purposes
37179,02046,897ddenvCreates and maintains an environment for local development, including Ruby and Node ver...
38181,033163,113nanoc-org-modeProvides an :org_mode filter for Nanoc