Clintoncwolfe's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,067715train-coreA minimal Train with a backends for ssh and winrm.
21,2423,556inspecInSpec provides a framework for creating end-to-end infrastructure tests. You can use i...
31,2813,573trainTransport interface to talk to different backends.
42,1563,190inspec-coreInSpec provides a framework for creating end-to-end infrastructure tests. You can use i...
52,2042,357license-acceptanceChef End User License Agreement Acceptance for Ruby products
62,5322,501train-winrmAllows applictaions using Train to speak to Windows using Remote Management; handles au...
73,5314,991kitchen-inspecA Test Kitchen Verifier for InSpec
83,6083,899train-awsAllows applications using Train to speak to AWS; handles authentication, cacheing, and ...
93,6693,968train-habitatAllows applications using Train to speak to Habitat.
105,5615,404inspec-binInSpec executable for inspec gem. Use of this executable may require accepting a licens...
116,6846,120inspec-core-binInSpec executable for inspec-core gem. Use of this executable may require accepting a l...
127,2443,228k8s-rubyKubernetes client library for Ruby
1310,28211,779inspec-test-fixtureThis gem is used to test the gem search and install capabilities of InSpec's plugin V2 ...
1410,4254,467chef-licensingRuby library to support CLI tools that use Progress Chef license storage, generation, a...
1511,6475,133train-kubernetesA Train "transport" plugin for Chef Inspec that allows testing of all Kubernetes API re...
1615,44518,140chef-attribute-validatorDefine, enforce, and handle violations of validation rules for Chef node attributes. T...
1726,62423,169train-test-fixtureTrain plugin used in testing Train's plugin loader and InSpec's plugin manager. This pl...
1836,050129,722vagrant-cookbook-fetcherFetch your Chef cookbooks whenever you provision
1936,43216,813inspec-iggyInSpec plugin to generate InSpec profiles from Terraform and CloudFormation to ensure a...
2046,998129,722vagrant-rspec-civagrant-rspec-ci is a Vagrant 1.2.x plugin for running tests against your VMs, derived ...
2181,04639,045ci-syntax-toolChecks YAML, JSON, Ruby, ERB, and other syntaxes, then reports errors and OKs in a nice...
22101,47469,439inspec-vaultThis plugin allows InSpec 'inputs' to be provided by a HashiCorp Vault installation. T...
23104,978129,722vagrant-guest-omniosVagrant 1.7+ plugin to provide guest support for omnios (interim prior to core support)...
24107,995129,722train-alicloudAllows applications using Train to speak to AliCloud; handles authentication, cacheing,...
25139,234129,722vagrant-test-subjectWrapper class for a Vagrant VM, providing access to testing predicates, such as port ma...
26157,899129,722train-vaulttrain-vault plugin UNDER CONSTRUCTION
27169,005100,830inspec-resource-listerExample for implementing an InSpec Plugin. This simply lists available resources.
28177,08469,439inspec-test-gem-descThis is a test gem created to test the gem publishing process, to verify if we are able...