Baob's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,49641,916macmillan-utilsA collection of useful patterns we (Springer Nature) use in our Ruby applications.
223,24063,432babysitterBabysits long-running processes and reports progress or failures
331,44563,432bandiera-clientBandiera is a simple, stand-alone feature flagging service that is not tied to any exis...
453,13663,432arrayishThe gem introduces the Arrayish::String class, a string that has some array characteris...
585,48925,458runnerbeanAutomates starting and stopping processes for testing.
6137,79741,916roverjoeRuby wrapper for the Hostelworld API
7149,98863,432map-dem-tingsHelps with repetitive mapping of inputs to outputs