Bootstraponline's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,8881,983gmailA Rubyesque interface to Gmail, with all the tools you will need. Search, read and se...
22,5402,259appium_libRuby library for Appium.
33,73833,893gollum-grit_adapterAdapter for Gollum to use Grit at the backend.
45,0185,132appium_capybaraEnables appium support in Capybara.
56,0915,732appium_consoleAppium Ruby Console.
66,6925,721specModified minitest for Appium.
79,77061,367earlgreyCommand line tool for installing EarlGrey into an iOS Unit Testing target
813,33941,086appium_thorThor tasks for Appium gems.
915,64341,086flakyMeasure flaky Ruby Appium tests.
1015,76561,367sauce_platformsSauce platforms.
1116,13133,893angular_automationCollection of angular automation gems.
1216,40761,367sauce_rspecSauce rspec integration.
1316,48861,367test-queue-splitminitest/rspec parallel test runner for CI environments
1416,87361,367webdriver_utilsWebDriver utility methods.
1517,57116,657rspec_junitYet Another RSpec JUnit Formatter (for Hudson/Jenkins)
1727,24661,367appium_doc_lintAppium Doc Lint.
1827,70161,367angular_webdriverAngular webdriver.
1948,54261,367angular_page_objectAngular page object.
2055,00020,275page_object_stubsPageObject stub generator for RubyMine.
2160,20561,367sauce_rubyFork of the sauce Ruby gem
2270,39061,367rspec_flakeMeasure flaky RSpec tests.
2371,57561,367web_consoleAppium Ruby Console.
2471,99341,086hockey-gerritUploads a build from gerrit/Jenkins to hockeyapp.
2579,85929,456page_objectPage Object DSL that works with both Watir and Selenium
2683,61261,367run_loop_tccFork of run_loop with tcc support.
2784,68561,367sauce_overageAutomatically prevent tests from running on overage minutes by tracking remaining time.
2889,43161,367rspec_expectation_countCount the number of expectations used in an RSpec test suite.
2996,19861,367test-queue-patchedminitest/rspec parallel test runner for CI environments
30104,69361,367strings_from_apkRuby lib for extracting strings from APK.
31108,82061,367simplecov-patchedCode coverage for Ruby 1.9+ with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging...
32110,72361,367gmail_gm_rawA Rubyesque interface to Gmail, with all the tools you will need. Search, read and se...
33112,48961,367trace_filesTrace Ruby files.
34118,15661,367sauce_documentationSauce documentation formatter for RSpec.
35130,38761,367sauce_connectA wrapper to start and stop a Sauce Connect tunnel programatically.
36132,96861,367appium_twineAppium plugin for twine that enables C# generation for use with Xamarin.Forms.
37147,79261,367unified_page_objectUnified page object.