1 | 5,079 | 7,522 | activerecord-native_db_types_override | Define native database types and change default migration behavior in ActiveRecord/Rails. |
2 | 7,742 | 16,152 | activerecord-be_readonly | Makes read-only models easier to implement in ActiveRecord 3.x/4.x/5.x. |
3 | 16,329 | 40,825 | stepford | Automates FactoryGirl deep creation of models and their required associations avoiding ... |
4 | 22,113 | 60,975 | activerecord-custom_timestamps | Allows sets of custom timestamps for all or some models. |
5 | 22,828 | 28,855 | restful_json | Develop declarative, featureful JSON service controllers to use with modern Javascript ... |
6 | 32,815 | 25,792 | undeletable | Ignores or raises error on destroy/delete of an ActiveRecord model, but is not marked a... |
7 | 37,515 | 60,975 | activerecord-define_nils | Allows you to redefine what is translated to nil on read and what is stored instead of ... |
8 | 38,430 | 33,190 | autolog | Automatically log events like executed lines, methods, class and module definitions, C-... |
9 | 39,684 | 17,402 | factory_girl-cache | Use FactoryGirlCache to call or retrieve cached results from FactoryGirl factories. |
10 | 45,513 | 60,975 | permitters | Permitters are an object-oriented way of defining what request parameters are permitted... |
11 | 48,381 | 60,975 | irie | Extensions for Inherited Resources for request parameter-based filters, paging, orderin... |
12 | 60,429 | 60,975 | on_destroy | Change ActiveModel's destroy behavior. |
13 | 61,090 | 60,975 | modelist | CLI and API to perform basic testing of all models, their attributes, and their associa... |
14 | 67,442 | 60,975 | mark_only | Updates a specified column with an pre-configured value on delete/destroy. Supports des... |
15 | 74,542 | 60,975 | classmeta | Magic class creator that lets you create and transform classes dynamically. |
16 | 85,363 | 40,825 | activerecord-attribute_override | Adds methods to your models to let you easily override instance attributes in specific ... |
17 | 94,250 | 60,975 | constance | Debug and override Rails 3.x constant loading. |
18 | 104,359 | 40,825 | structure_sql_to_migration | A rake task to generate a migration with up and down using db/structure.sql as input. |
19 | 124,976 | 60,975 | angumine | Angumine makes it easier to parse one or more templates (or parse recursively) for refe... |
20 | 128,094 | 60,975 | convenient-actionpack | Convenient functionality for actionpack. |
21 | 139,679 | 33,190 | factory_girl_test_monitor | Monitors FactoryGirl strategy invocations (e.g. build, create, etc.) per test with Acti... |
22 | 139,911 | 40,825 | yodo | Determines what includes you need to avoid n+1 queries when using ActiveModel::Serializ... |
23 | 142,708 | 60,975 | pg_faker | Allows you to specify one or all PG::Connection class methods to cause configurable del... |
24 | 145,616 | 60,975 | ignore_nsec | Some versions of OS's and databases only support microsecond precision. Using this gem ... |