Iloveitaly's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1218448redis-namespaceAdds a Redis::Namespace class which can be used to namespace calls to Redis. This is us...
2266377logrageTame Rails' multi-line logging into a single line per request
38921,850resqueResque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing those j...
41,1932,144resque-schedulerLight weight job scheduling on top of Resque. Adds methods enqueue_at/enqueue_in to...
51,3001,269pry-navTurn Pry into a primitive debugger. Adds 'step' and 'next' commands to control execution.
63,2062,291hash_diffDiff tool for deep Ruby hash comparison
73,9554,885netsuiteNetSuite SuiteTalk API Wrapper
84,8289,194resque-heroku-signalsPatch resque to be compatible with Heroku
929,94728,870simple_structured_loggerSimple structured logging with a simple codebase
1042,24036,248netsuite_railsWrite Rails applications that integrate with NetSuite
1156,44154,620isrcPull ISRC codes from PPLK UK's database
1274,10754,620active_admin_delayed_jobView all, running, failed, and queued jobs. Retry failed jobs.
1375,41754,620capybara_angular_helpersHelpers for writing integration tests against Angular apps
1477,15354,620google-refineClient library for interacting with Google Refine instances. Easily work with CSVs from...
1584,27754,620shopify_api_extensionsPagination, backoff, and other extensions to the shopify ruby API
16120,87354,620cangaroo_endpoint_baseHelpers for developing a Cangaroo (Wombat replacement) endpoint
17123,81236,248record_accessorsEasily track accessors on plain old ruby objects
18130,53354,620shipvineShipvine API bindings
19137,97554,620spree_advanced_reportingAdds many useful reports, with PDF and CSV output, to Spree
20142,83336,248orefineEasily modify CSVs from the command line using Open Refine