Pag's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,262780activerecord-explain-analyzeExtends ActiveRecord#explain with support for EXPLAIN ANALYZE and output formats of JSO...
26,8776,277rubocop-migrationRuboCop extension focused on ActiveRecord migration.
37,4785,954tiny_segmenterRuby port of TinySegmenter.js for tokenizing Japanese text. Uses a Naive Bayes model th...
48,0289,748phemeRuby AWS SNS publisher + SQS poller & message handler
58,23311,129ws-styleShared config to enforce Ruby style consistently across Wealthsimple services.
69,3379,647string-obfuscatorRuby utility for obfuscating strings, with no dependencies.
710,89411,129big_decimal_inspectReadable BigDecimal#inspect output
816,39811,978static_collectionRubygem for running basic queries against static data.
916,78611,600rollbar-apiRubygem for accessing Rollbar's full REST and RQL APIs.
1035,30153,556sinatra-rake-routesRake command for printing out all defined routes in Sinatra applications
1142,81353,556frb-participantsRubygem for querying Federal Reserve Banks' Fedwire & FedACH participants
1283,79335,920imgur_urlParse image URLs.
1399,97842,025japanese_deinflectorDeinflect (unconjugate/undecline) Japanese words.
14105,38853,556cusip_style_luhn_mod_nCUSIP-style luhn mod N
15110,95435,920humanize_fractionConvert fractions to words, such as 3/5 to three fifths.
16160,72186,038extract_artist_trackExtract artist and track from a freeform YouTube video title.
17166,94153,556wealthsimpleWealthsimple rubygem placeholder.