1 | 4,370 | 19,962 | fresh_connection | https://github.com/tsukasaoishi/fresh_connection |
2 | 20,871 | 70,268 | ebisu_connection | https://github.com/tsukasaoishi/ebisu_connection |
3 | 36,734 | 20,701 | hanko | Hanko add a asset fingerprint in query string of Rails asset url(image, javascript, sty... |
4 | 46,944 | 21,538 | bitzer_store | BitzerStore can treat individual cache clusters in Rails. |
5 | 54,072 | 44,585 | word_scoop | WordScoop will pick up keywords that have been pre-registered from the text. |
6 | 58,747 | 70,268 | miyazakiresistance | MiyazakiResistance is a library like ActiveRecord to use Tokyo Tyrant. |
7 | 60,511 | 70,268 | figure_set | FigureSet is the library which treats set operation. |
8 | 65,849 | 70,268 | rejuicer | Rejuicer. |
9 | 69,970 | 26,790 | cat_tree | CatTree monitors ActiveRecord objects in development environment |
10 | 87,673 | 70,268 | kuebiko | Kuebiko generates URLs from ruby code. |
11 | 111,600 | 44,585 | n_adic_number | https://github.com/tsukasaoishi/n_adic_number |
12 | 118,793 | 37,011 | kaerukeyword | keyword search |
13 | 124,895 | 70,268 | unicorn-standby | Unicorn Standby is on standby until it accepts the request. |
14 | 127,908 | 70,268 | speedpetal | Fast thumbnail Image generator. |
15 | 138,070 | 91,029 | stills | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |