Searls's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,340623standardRuby Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer
21,918200lint_rollerA plugin specification for linter and formatter rulesets
31,938954standard-performanceStandard Ruby Plugin providing configuration for rubocop-performance
41,9621,030standard-customPlugin containing implementations of custom cops that are bundled as defaults in Standa...
52,9175,456jasmine-railsProvides a Jasmine Spec Runner that plays nicely with Rails 3.2 assets and sets up jasm...
63,2863,671mRun test/unit tests by line number. Metal!
74,0222,117standard-railsA Standard plugin that adds Rails-specific rules to Standard
84,2475,840rspec-givenGiven is an RSpec extension that allows the use of Given/When/Then terminology when def...
94,2775,840sorcererGenerate the original Ruby source from a Ripper-style abstract syntax tree.
104,3155,806given_coreGiven_core is the basic functionality behind rspec-given and minitest-given, extensions...
114,9744,322standardrbAlias for the standard gem, which has a standardrb binary
125,5405,456good_migrationsReferencing code in app/ from a database migration risks breaking the migration when yo...
135,6704,398gimmegimme attempts to bring to Ruby a test double workflow akin to Mockito in Java. Major d...
146,1414,698cypress-railsHelps you write Cypress tests of your Rails app
158,9736,871todo_or_dieWrite TO​DOs in code that ensure you actually do them
1611,7824,068time_upA little library for managing multiple named timers
1720,85728,870minitest-givenGiven is a Minitest::Spec extension that allows the use of Given/When/Then terminology ...
1820,96011,270minitest-suiteRe-order your Minitest suite into logical sub-suites/groups
1923,28536,248bar-of-progressRender custom textual progress bars with a simple little API
2025,6894,569mocktailTake your objects, and make them a double
2126,77454,620sutureProvides tools to record calls to legacy code and verify new implementations still work
2228,39619,606standard-sorbetStandard Ruby Plugin providing configuration for rubocop-sorbet
2330,24119,606referralScan for definitions and references in your Ruby code.
2432,11010,988rails-linemanHelps Rails apps integrate a Lineman into their build by wrapping rake assets:precompile
2533,28836,248fine_antsOpens your browser and finds your bank account status.
2640,92554,620static-railsBuild & serve static sites (e.g. Jekyll, Hugo) from your Rails app
2746,72854,620arg-thatarg-that provides a simple method to create an argument matcher in equality comparisons.
2850,51254,620servmea simple test server for stubbing API responses
2955,79154,620js_rake_tasksRake tasks for little JavaScript projects
3058,85954,620emorubyA little emoji language that compiles down to Ruby. "It's just ruby."
3165,37416,714tldrTLDR will run your tests, but only for 1.8 seconds.
3265,69254,620test_dataDumps and Loads data for your Rails app's tests
3366,55416,714putPut helps you write prioritized, multi-variate sort_by blocks
3474,23124,730maybe_laterRun code after the current Rack response or Rails action completes
3597,91154,620cucumber-sliceThis tool can be used both locally and by build systems to quickly narrow down which Cu...
36100,62154,620cucumber-peelHelps you locate the implementation for a given step
37103,36628,870pressletterpressletter is a tool for solving Letterpress puzzles. Using the `pressletter` bina...
38104,10654,620eiwaParses the JMDict Japanese-English dictionary
39112,80654,620noncommittalEnsures test isolation by preventing your Rails tests from committing to the database
40116,21854,620boredGives you ideas of stuff to do when you're bored
41121,02754,620blightBlight provides a sane interface to the very procedural ncurses API
42127,62554,620instastacheMustaches + Instagram
43128,45054,620halfpipeA Pipedrive client that doesn't do half of what you want
44129,22354,620supertitleMethods for converting between subtitles/captions/transcripts formats
45142,96854,620soaHelps you migrate from monolithic Ruby to services
46143,46736,248feed2gramReads an Atom feed and posts its entries to Instagram
47152,01854,620forewarnallows users to write and configure their own method blacklists to warn of dangerous in...
48163,09754,620whenkaniHelps you know when you're ready to study WaniKani
49164,67854,620rubbycopAutomatic Ruby code style checking tool. Aims to enforce the community-driven Ruby ...
50169,70654,620katsuyouConjugates Japanese words
51171,90454,620satisfactionTrack your level of happiness in a project.
52173,12136,248caratCarat manages an application's dependencies through its entire life, across many machin...
53180,52354,620dry_eraserLike Active Record's validation feature, but for destroying models
54181,99454,620feed2threadReads an Atom feed and posts its entries to Threads