Adamhunter's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,2684,706authorityAuthority helps you authorize actions in your Rails app. It's ORM-neutral and has very ...
27,7987,974searchlightSearchlight is a low-magic way to build database searches using an ORM. It's compatible...
312,62723,861dossierEasy SQL based report generation with the ability to accept request parameters and rend...
414,807129,735rippleripple is an object-mapper library for Riak, the distributed database by Basho. It use...
524,79418,897flash_renderInspired by '_P.B.F._' at I use the `[:alert] and r...
627,12051,488adamhunter-contactsRidiculously easy contact list information from various providers including Yahoo, Gmai...
728,06918,007namedGive anonymous modules and classes names when they are inspected.
833,414129,735riak-sessionsriak-sessions is a session store backed by Riak, the distributed database by Basho. It ...
939,061129,735shipwrightCLI Client for implementing the harbor pattern on AWS Elastic Beanstalk
1043,16051,488rrodRiak Ruby Object Database
1145,52851,488lifestreamdownloads and parses lifestream information from sources like facebook and twitter
1265,24051,488bulkyBulky allows you bulk update your ActiveRecord models. It will enqueue the bulk update...
1365,89151,488dossier-segmenterAdds control breaks to dossier reports by defined segments based on query results.
1466,44351,488gigglybreaks the gigya web api down into idiomatic ruby for your coding pleasure.
1570,55751,488dummy-applicationProvide a base Rails application for usage in testing rubygems
1688,298129,735proximityRack::Proxy router using Journey
1799,54851,488adamhunter-client_side_validationsClient Side Validations for Rails 2.x and 3.x
18103,14451,488jupiterAutomated vSphere deployment in ruby
19119,33151,488dokumentProvides a ripple document to give models 1 or n file attachments.
20121,00851,488correspondenceAssociate related ruby objects, like ActiveRecord assocations for arbitrary classes. Us...
21134,48151,488state_machine_settersAdds setter methods based off of state machine transitions to allow triggering state ch...
22146,824129,735rrod-railsAllows the use of rrod in a rails app
23148,33551,488cljsRuby compiler for ClojureScript using cljs.jar