Errm's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,7263,405fluent-plugin-systemdThis is a fluentd input plugin. It reads logs from the systemd journal.
223,52646,004assemblyline-cliA super-lightweight wrapper to start assemblyline tasks
325,10014,890promenadePromenade makes it simple to instrument Ruby apps for prometheus scraping
426,02946,004rabbitmq-clusteretcd based cluster discovery for rabbitmq
531,66946,004reevoocopRuboCop patched for to enforce the use of Reevoo Style Guidelines
636,81969,639sloddSchema Loading On Dependent Databases
750,54246,004sitemap_checkCheck for broken links in your sitemap
855,80069,639assemblyline-rubyThis gem provides helpers to be used inside of Assemblyline ruby docker containers.
958,19369,639stratocumulusBackup Databases to Cloud Storage
1088,78269,639dbenvyUse DBEnvy to parse DATABASE_URL and shim the info into a database.yml
1193,12569,639sensu-plugins-eximThis plugin provides exim queuemonitoring and metrics collection
12100,22469,639email_center_apiA RubyGem That wraps EmailCenter's maxemail JSON Api
13102,42169,639reaction_mailerReaction Mailer
14103,91969,639rspec-mail-matchersRSpec Matchers for the Mail gem
15105,56969,639okeOke is a tool to make it simple to build and deploy applications written in Ruby, it is...
16112,61369,639triboelectricManage assets across rolling deploys
17121,60246,004substituteConvert Adobe Encore Text Scripts to WebVTT
18131,15869,639assemblyline-formatterRspec Formatter for Assemblyline
19131,24669,639reevoomark-ruby-apiReevoo's ReevooMark & Traffic server-side ruby implementation. This API is free to use ...
20153,55669,639utf8_gatekeeperPrevents invalid UTF8 characters from the URL and other env vars reaching your app
21154,32069,639langtasticExtracts IANA language subtags
22155,48869,639kuroko2-updaterA tool to manage kuroko2 job-definitions based on a schedule.rb file
23173,35714,890millraceLeaky bucket rate limiting for Action Controller before filters