Errm's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,6513,683fluent-plugin-systemdThis is a fluentd input plugin. It reads logs from the systemd journal.
223,130121,990assemblyline-cliA super-lightweight wrapper to start assemblyline tasks
325,55320,547rabbitmq-clusteretcd based cluster discovery for rabbitmq
425,56413,860promenadePromenade makes it simple to instrument Ruby apps for prometheus scraping
530,97626,201reevoocopRuboCop patched for to enforce the use of Reevoo Style Guidelines
636,26626,201sloddSchema Loading On Dependent Databases
750,30530,412sitemap_checkCheck for broken links in your sitemap
855,567121,990assemblyline-rubyThis gem provides helpers to be used inside of Assemblyline ruby docker containers.
957,540121,990stratocumulusBackup Databases to Cloud Storage
1087,807121,990dbenvyUse DBEnvy to parse DATABASE_URL and shim the info into a database.yml
1190,54289,467sensu-plugins-eximThis plugin provides exim queuemonitoring and metrics collection
1298,86089,467email_center_apiA RubyGem That wraps EmailCenter's maxemail JSON Api
13101,71589,467rspec-mail-matchersRSpec Matchers for the Mail gem
14101,98170,692reaction_mailerReaction Mailer
15105,91551,135okeOke is a tool to make it simple to build and deploy applications written in Ruby, it is...
16112,402121,990triboelectricManage assets across rolling deploys
17120,913121,990substituteConvert Adobe Encore Text Scripts to WebVTT
18129,23289,467reevoomark-ruby-apiReevoo's ReevooMark & Traffic server-side ruby implementation. This API is free to use ...
19129,727121,990assemblyline-formatterRspec Formatter for Assemblyline
20152,140121,990utf8_gatekeeperPrevents invalid UTF8 characters from the URL and other env vars reaching your app
21153,02189,467langtasticExtracts IANA language subtags
22154,13470,692kuroko2-updaterA tool to manage kuroko2 job-definitions based on a schedule.rb file